Heirs: Episode 10

It’s a less traumatic episode than the last few, which I guess isn’t saying a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. The frenemy war rages on, and the two suitors literally declare that they will be fighting over Eun-sang because they have nothing else to fight over. Gee, and they say romance is dead. I’m pretty sure that both boys actually like her, but I’m also sure that they hate each other more, which sort of clouds that teeny tiny thing called motivation.


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The love triangle has another three-way run-in, but this time it’s in Tan’s front yard and Young-do isn’t exactly pleased to see that Eun-sang is chummy enough with Tan to be making house calls. He wonders what their relationship is, and jokes that it only leaves one possibility: “You’re siblings.” Shh, we’re in a drama! Don’t make jokes about things like that.

Tan quickly covers it up like they had a date after school, and apologizes to Eun-sang for having to reschedule. Before Young-do can get a word in edgewise, he shoos her out the way she came.

Young-do asks if his fiancée knows about his afternoon play dates, and Tan says without reservation that he’s dating Eun-sang and Rachel knows about it. It’s technically not true, but it sends Young-do seething. Well, more than usual.

To top it off, Tan tells him he’s headed somewhere to get his revenge, and then marches right into Young-do’s hotel to see his dad. It’s a little sad to see how Young-do suddenly becomes a tiny child in front of his scary father, and whispers at Tan not to tell on him.

Too late. Tan’s here to return his earlier asshattery tit for tat, and apologizes to Dad for fighting with Young-do. And hitting him. Twice.

Tan gets nothing but the royal treatment from Young-do’s dad, who declares that he’s grown up well. Tan saunters out of the office with this evil smirk on his face, knowing he’s untouchable while Young-do is about to get ripped a new one.

Sure enough, as soon as the door closes behind Tan, Dad slaps Young-do across the face (for being beaten up, mind you—he’s being hit for losing said fight, not for fighting) and unbuckles his belt. Augh, Young-do is evil but I don’t know if I can watch that.

But he’s saved by the bell when a phone rings… from the bathroom. He opens the door to find Dad’s mistress hiding inside. He turns around to go and asks Dad bitterly, “Were you like this when Mom was around? Or… is it that one of those women became my mother?”

As he trudges down the hallway with tears in his eyes, a flashback reveals the two boys in junior high, having sneaked into a hotel room to play video games. They hide in the closet when they hear someone coming, and end up witnessing Dad’s philandering ways.

Tan is still there and he gets into the elevator with Young-do. He declares that family is off-limits now, because they both know what the backlash is—they’ve felt it before. If you’re so concerned and know how much it might hurt both of you, how’s about we just knock it off and hug it out? Too easy? Too rational?

Young-do sighs that if family is off-limits, that only leaves one thing to fight over: Eun-sang. God, it’s going to get worse than before? How is that even possible? Tan warns him not to go near her, which of course makes Young-do want to win even more.

Rachel’s mom comes by to see Young-do while he’s on hotel dishwashing duty, and she tries to fawn over his bruised face like a mom, but gets squarely rejected. She happens to cross paths with her fiancé’s mistress in the lobby, and the first thing she does is call Chang-young’s dad for an ego boost.

At home, Madam Han is sick with worry that Tan still isn’t home, and Mom sweetly massages her hands to make her feel better. Tan comes home and she asks why he’d out her to Young-do when he knows their whole cover could be blown.

Tan asks why they have to hide at all, and when he sees how panicked his mom is at being found out, he sighs and apologizes for everything. She runs off in tears.

He gives Eun-sang the all-clear to come home, which you technically could’ve done when you left with Young-do, but whatever. He waits in the service entry for her to come home and pulls her into the wine cellar, insisting that they have to match their stories about today’s run-in.

He says they’re dating now, fully intending to date for real so that the lie isn’t a lie. She wonders if he’s just plain stupid not to have heard all the things she’s said up until now, but he doesn’t disagree that he’s dumb: “I like it when you’re angry and I like it when you’re smiling. I’d say that’s dumb.” Well I guess we agree on something.

She stops mincing her words and outright calls him a sheltered spoiled brat. She decides fine, they’ll date, and he’ll break his engagement and get kicked out of his house, and then they’ll see if he still says he likes her. She knows she’ll be the one who’s hurt and alone at the end of that story, but fine, they’ll date.

He only fixates on the dating part, but she douses him with a cold splash of reality: “Did you not know? If your mother finds out that we’re dating, my mom and I are on the street. So will you stop mouthing off about your first-world problems, young master?”

He asks if his sincerity means nothing to her, and decides that she’s right about them not being suited for one another then. He knows all the reasons she’s rejecting him and wounding his pride, “But I showed courage for you, and you won’t do a single thing for me.”

His words finally start to sink in, but he tells her that he’ll stop pestering then if that’s what she wants: “I thought you were a beautiful dream, but you’re a bad dream, Cha Eun-sang.” As soon as he walks away, she starts to cry.

The next morning Tan’s car passes Eun-sang on the way to school, and his driver asks if they should pick her up. Tan answers with his usual rhetorical questions, asking if it’s okay for them to ride together, and this time he’s the one to pass her by.

Eun-sang gets greeted at school by some girls who apologize and invite her over for study dates, now that they know her mom is loaded. She chooses to reject their offer and keep her head down.

Young-do saunters into class and asks Rachel if she’s ever been invited over to Tan’s house. It’s clear that she hasn’t, and Young-do starts to recount the amazing bit of news he encountered yesterday, when Tan interrupts him.

They get hauled off to finish their extra detention cleaning duties that they shirked the last time, and Eun-sang watches them from her class. Chan-young asks about her mom and the PTA meeting, and Eun-sang just says vaguely that someone else went in her place. Chan-young notes that she’s keeping an awful lot of secrets from him lately.

He asks if she had a fight with Tan, and she says she’s in the middle of running away from him. She heads up to the roof for a break, and shuts her eyes as she thinks of the kiss. When she opens them, Tan is staring right back at her.

He’s standing on the roof of the building opposite hers, which is a nice beat—they’re in the same place but so very far apart. She’s the first to break the gaze and run off.

Young-do finds her in the library and asks about her faux mom, knowing that mom in designer duds and multiple minimum-wage jobs doesn’t add up. She doesn’t give him a straight answer and snaps back at him to leave her alone so she can study, and he smiles at her sass. So today we’re sassy, apparently.

It’s time for midterms, and everyone puts in their best effort except for Bo-na who mostly doodles Chan-young’s name, and Young-do, who just marks all As down his test sheet.

Results go up, and Chan-young is first in his class as always, while Rachel takes second. Tan is in the middle of giving Chan-young a hard time, when the entire group chortles to see his name… at the very bottom. Ha. You tried, and somehow got a lower score than Young-do?

Eun-sang walks up to check her score, but Tan jumps to block her path. He spits out her score and succeeds in keeping her from seeing his embarrassing last-place finish, though I don’t see how you’re going to keep her from seeing the public announcement every time she walks by.

The teacher lists a few names of students who aren’t going on the class trip, including Tan and Young-do. But Young-do pipes up to say that he’s found a reason to go now, staring right at Eun-sang.

Rachel pulls Tan aside to say that Mom is requesting a brunch, and she tells him he can date whomever he wants, since that has nothing to do with their engagement. I’m pretty sure I can’t tell if it’s worse that he’s kind of cheating on you, or worse that you’re fine with it.

Tan doesn’t quite agree that his love life is so unrelated to their engagement, but invokes the very same excuse when she asks about what it is that Young-do saw at his house yesterday.

Hyo-shin comes up and comments that Rachel is too good to be clinging to Tan, and she balks at the clinging part. But Hyo-shin sighs that he’s jealous she gets to cling—he didn’t even get to do that.

Manager Yoon gets in the hotel elevator to go see Won, and runs into that mystery man he saw delivering an envelope to Chairman Dad. He plays elevator tag with him until he catches him trying to be evasive, and then tells Won that the chairman knows about his relationship with Hyun-joo.

He asks Won what he’ll do, and Won knows his father well enough to expect the question: inherit Jeguk or choose one girl? Hyun-joo waits and waits outside for their date, and then Won finally texts: “I can’t come. Don’t wait for me.” Ouch, I guess that’s his answer.

Hyun-joo wonders aloud to herself, “Is today the day? We must’ve broken up today.” How sad to spend your whole relationship just wondering when that day will come. She fights her tears and gives up waiting, when Hyo-shin pulls up.

She chides him for running around when his exams are so soon, but he counters that she quit on him first. “You’re not my tutor anymore, so I’m not your student…” He reaches out to her face and plants a kiss on her forehead, and leaves as suddenly as he came.

Rachel and Tan have breakfast with their moms, and Rachel’s mom brings up Eun-sang’s name, having met her “mother” at the PTA meeting. Rachel says she’s good friends with Tan, and cuts the pleasant chitchat with the announcement that she’d like to break the engagement.

The moms go into damage control mode and send the kids off, and Tan asks what she’s trying to gain by doing this. She scoffs that he’ll find out just how their families will react, knowing full well that this won’t actually break their arranged marriage in the least. Tan says this won’t get him to date her, but Rachel counters that he won’t be able to date Eun-sang either.

He sighs that she’s worse than he ever imagined, and Rachel spits back, “What were you doing while my affection turned to hate?” Dayum.

And as if on cue, Tan’s phone rings with a call from Dad. Rachel says they’ll find out if he’s really willing to trade everything for Eun-sang. I know Rachel thinks she’ll win this way, but I feel like we ought to thank her for sending Tan over the edge, or at least kicking his complacent butt a little.

Dad asks Tan what he did to make Rachel want to break the engagement, and Tan says he doesn’t like her. Dad scoffs as if that is the most absurd reason not to marry someone, and wonders if Won was right about his little brother. Dad says he needs Rachel as insurance (as in company shares, if his legitimacy gets called into question, because he is in fact illegitimate).

Tan sighs that he doesn’t need that kind of insurance, and adds that this house really does become sadder when he’s in it.

Meanwhile, Eun-sang is being interrogated by Madam Han for dirt on Tan—did Young-do blab about his family tree at school, and if not, why did Rachel threaten to break the engagement?

Tan comes in and tells his mother to stop having Eun-sang spy on him, and refuses to go to camp even when Mom cries that she paid for the whole thing because of him.

Eun-sang follows him out to try and convince him to go to camp, and gets stalled at the staircase, unable to follow him up. He won’t stay put though, so she follows warily up the stairs, and then hesitates again in the hallway outside his room.

He’s waiting for her on the other side of the door, but she can’t bring herself to knock or cross the threshold, as if coming through that doorway means crossing some invisible social barrier. He won’t talk to her anywhere else though, so she gulps and steps foot inside.

Madam Han comes knocking, so he hides her behind the door and says he’s undressed. She asks what his father said, and he says matter-of-factly that Dad told him he needed Rachel as insurance because he’s the son of a concubine. It sends Mom reeling, and Eun-sang cringes behind him.

Once they’re in the clear, Eun-sang says he needs to go to camp when his mom obviously went to the PTA meeting and did all that because of him. But Tan points out that if he and Young-do both go, one of them won’t come back alive.

He stops her from leaving with the excuse that she might run into his mother, and when she goes to leave anyway, he threatens to call out to Mom. Augh, the manipulative threats dressed as romance in this drama, I swear.

He calls out and Eun-sang clamps a hand over his mouth. He asks her to stay for just a minute, but she says she can’t be here—his room and hers are in two different worlds. She says there are some thresholds she can’t cross, and his room is one of them.

She turns to go, and he backhugs her: “Wait just a little. I’ll make it so that you can cross all the thresholds in the world. I’m looking for a way.” He tells her to have a good time at camp, and that he’ll miss her while she’s gone.

Bo-na is busy preparing camp couple shoes for her and Chan-young, and in return asks him for lots of handholding, piggybacking, and hugging. He laughs that they’re all skinship requests, and says he shouldn’t have held back all this time. She’s hilariously shocked that he was holding back, and calls him a pervert. Ha.

Everyone minus Tan goes camping, and Young-do jumps at the chance to help Eun-sang pitch her tent. Myung-soo comes by snapping photos of everyone, and when he looks at the one of Eun-sang and Young-do, it triggers his memory.

He finally remembers that the first time he saw her was coming out of Tan’s house at the crack of dawn. Young-do’s eyebrow goes up (er, more up) at that, despite her attempts to deny it.

Tan hangs out with Hyo-shin at the deserted school, and talk turns to Hyo-shin’s mystery medical ailment. Tan clearly knows what’s really going on with him, and Hyo-shin even talks about “last year’s suicide attempt” while he went to see Tan in L.A. as if he’s talking about yesterday’s lunch.

He assures Tan that he’s being good about going to the hospital and taking his medicine now (adding that his mother counts his pills daily). Tan asks if anything’s changed at home, but Hyo-shin shakes his head, and says that he’s planning to do something big to upset the order.

Tan tells him that it can’t be anything to harm himself, and Hyo-shin assures him that he hates hospital food enough not to try suicide again.

At camp, they get spit into two teams for paintball. Great, let’s give them guns and an excuse to hunt each other. This should go swimmingly. Bo-na gets trigger-happy right away and pelts Rachel before the whistle even blows, earning her a round of applause from her teammates.

The kids all movie-parody their way through the game, and Chan-young takes a hit to protect Bo-na even though they’re on opposite sides. I love that these two are just off in their own world of romance topped with cheese.

Young-do fires a shot at Eun-sang’s feet and wonders if he ought to save her or not, and says he’ll let her go if she tells him why she came out of Tan’s house early in the morning.

He wonders what her deal is, and then hilariously asks if she was adopted, and Eun-sang uses the chance to fire a paintball right at his heart. Ha, okay that made me laugh.

Young-do continues to follow Eun-sang around (do you keep changing your jacket color to match hers on purpose?) and kicks at her table while she eats, and then declares to the whole group that Eun-sang volunteered to wash dishes.

He offers to help her, and then parks his butt in a chair the whole time, declaring that his mere presence ought to be a comfort. It’s like you don’t know the meaning of words. At least she rolls her eyes at him instead of crying.

Chan-young comes by to help and asks if this situation is Young-do’s doing, and Young-do in turn asks how long he’s been friends with Eun-sang, and if he knows she’s a charity case. Bo-na comes by a second later and he asks her the same thing, and she confirms it with the same reaction, wanting Young-do to keep his trap shut.

Young-do pouts that he’s the only one who didn’t know, and then when Myung-soo comes he’s about to ask him too, when Eun-sang cuts him off and pulls him aside to talk.

He points out that she’s only ever interested in him when he does bad things. There are so many things wrong with that I don’t even know where to begin. Is negative reinforcement the only language you understand?

He asks again what her relationship to Tan is, and she fires right back: “What does it matter what we are? What you going to do about it? Who are you? Just pester me like before. I’m not afraid of you anymore.” She marches away and he hangs his head.

She hesitates and then calls Tan, and runs into Rachel in the woods doing the exact same thing. Rachel snatches the phone out of her hand, sees that she’s calling Tan, and slaps her across the face. What the hell is wrong with all you people?

But Eun-sang just says since she got hit today, she’ll do as much as the slap is worth, and asks for her phone back so she can call Tan. That fires Rachel up even more and she winds up to slap her again, when Young-do shows up to grab her arm in mid-air to stop her. Of course this is happening.

And in true Young-do fashion, he tells Rachel that he hasn’t introduced Eun-sang yet: “From now on Cha Eun-sang is mine. Only I get to pester her.” *facepalm*

He takes her phone and drags Eun-sang away by the wrist. Because she’s freaking incapable of getting out of these situations until a man drags her out of them, naturally. *sporkeye*

Once they’re alone, Eun-sang agrees that this suits him better—it’s more his style to terrorize her. He tells her not to assume things, and declares that she hasn’t seen half of what he’s really like.

And then Tan appears around the corner, which only Young-do sees. He says he’ll start showing her right now, and grabs her in a hug as the boys stare each other down.


Okay, besides the fact that Young-do is impossible to root for romantically (because hello, restraining order), character-wise his stuff would land better if he were allowed to act on his feelings instead of always reacting to Tan in some new volatile way. What is the point of that cliffhanger, when she doesn’t care for him, and he’s doing it to mess with Tan? I mean, if he were a real mastermind, wouldn’t he win her over, yunno with actual romance, not threats and territorial backhanded rescues? I get that it’s possible that his feelings are real (hey, they say even fish feel pain), but until he starts showing it in some other way than the if-I-can’t-mess-with-her-no-one-can rescues, I’m pretty sure I won’t give a flying fish what he feels, no matter how sucky his life is (and yes, it’s pretty damn sucktastic, but still).

It’s not like it’s a surprise to me that this writer’s brand of romance doesn’t sit well with me. I lived through Secret Garden and A Gentleman’s Dignity, and I’ve resigned myself to the fact that we just disagree on some fundamental things. It’s not like it always ruins the entire drama, but we’ve hit the stretch in the story where everything builds to these moments that are written to be swooned at, but I can’t swoon at them because they make me want to call the cops and tear out all my hair.

I want to root for Tan, but his idea of giving a girl space is watching her on CCTV cameras and forcing skinship. I want to have sympathy for Young-do, but he thinks terrorizing a girl is a show of affection because negative attention is better than being lonely. And I really really want to get behind Eun-sang (especially when she puts on her sassy pants) but then she miraculously gets jelly-knees just in time for Tan or Young-do to swoop in and “save” her from the horrible [fill-in-the-blank-here], every time. She had some great moments in this episode where she finally didn’t hold back with Tan, and stood up to Young-do for herself. But somehow at the end of the day, she still ends up the pawn in their game.

How can I possibly root for my heroine to find love and cross all the socially divisive thresholds that unjustly separate her from her one true love… if I can’t even figure out why they’d be better off together? The story has convinced me that they live in different worlds, enough to be compared to royals and plebians, and enough to make their social crevasse a believable source of conflict. But it hasn’t convinced me of the other thing—that their love is worth all the wrist-bruising and pride-swallowing that it takes to get through the day around here. And until the show succeeds at doing that (or here’s a thought—we could stop yanking her around altogether!) it’ll continue to chug on ahead and leave my heart behind at the station.


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1--Are KW and HJ dating then? I was confused about that last week? She told him that she wanted him to let her date. What is their deal?

2—Does anyone recognize MS’s mom from the K2Hs? I think she was a governess there, or something.

3—This is a rhetorical question (kind of): am I the only one scratching my head at some of the random scenes, like the kiss HS gave HJ today? I loved the kiss, just didn’t understand how and why we got there. And what does that mean? I know HS likes HJ, but…? (I am open to interpretations).

I swear I want to be in love with this drama, but at times it is just so slow, and it seems to be doing this dance of one step forward, and two steps back. I started out not liking YD at all, however, with his change showing up in ep. 9 and the excellent acting of KWB, I was starting to want to give him my attention, and see what would happen to him. Would he change? Fully? What would that look like? Would he fall in love with ES, or would he just use her?

The same with KT. I love that he was starting to react more, and fight back, only that seems to happen only as far as ES is concerned, though I am glad that he stood up for his mom. And I guess I could add that in this ep., he is also standing up (some) to his dad. I can’t help but wonder what his “great plan” is. I would also add that I continue to find him selfish, in the way that I explained yesterday: he doesn’t put himself in ES’s shoes, and he doesn’t try to see things from her perspective. ES actually had to spell it out for him today, and I agree with what she had to say. The stakes are higher for ES, she has more to lose (her and her mom), and I am bothered that KT doesn’t understand that. It is almost as if he doesn’t want to see that. On top of that, ES looks to me like she continues to be some kind of ball between KT and YD.

The ending, felt repetitive to me, with that sense of déjà vu, hence the feeling of ES being some of kind of ball between KT and YD. Am I supposed to like or root for YD in this ep.? Because I found it hard to do. In the last scene, he kept hugging ES, even though she was CLEARLY struggling to free herself from him. What the heck, YD? It seems as if YD was determined to hold ES, the minute he saw KT. So, does he like her for her, or because it bothers KT, or both? I am confused.

I am continuing to like how realistic ES is in this ep., pointing out the very real obstacles KT and ES are facing. I also liked that Rachel wanted to break the engagement, though I didn’t like her motivations behind it. KT should “free” her, if he wants to date ES. It is the best thing and the fair thing to do for both girls, really.


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@Ivoire - You and I had a lot of the same thoughts re Eun-Sang's status as a pawn between Tan and Young-Do. I think Young-Do is supposed to like her but also like using her to irk Tan.

Rachel wasn't trying to break the engagement. She just pretended to do so to stir things up and show Tan what would happen if he tried it. It was a very gutsy move.


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ok random...its just funny how people who come here criticizing every little thing about this drama and claiming that they don't like it are the same people u see commenting week after week...i mean if you don't like it just drop the damn drama already..geez!


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I'm with you there. Personally, I like the drama. Sure, it's a bit slow in places but so what? I'm watching LMH. Need I say more?

Actually, I am happy with his acting. It's different, it's in keeping with the character of Kim Tan. Lazy, subdued by his powerlessness, thoughtful because he has no one to talk to, considerate of the girl he likes, of his family but couldn't care less of anyone else. Now, he has managed to have some gumption. Good job, LMH!


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I noticed girlfriday said

"He points out that she’s only ever interested in him when he does bad things. There are so many things wrong with that I don’t even know where to begin. Is negative reinforcement the only language you understand?"

I have to disagree with this opinion. When I watched this it seemed like he was saying -

why is it that you notice me when i do bad things- as in if I was nice to you, you wouldn't notice me.

so I don't really see what was wrong with his statement....


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Hello Faye,

Sorry to post this so late, however I thought I would do it anyway. Yes, so far, ES has been a pawn between KT and YD. I read somewhere that YD would actually not bother ES as much, if KT was not showing up at every single turn. That person made the argument that in the cafeteria, YD actually DID want to simply eat with ES, which I believe to be true. Problem is, YD still did not look or sounded particularly nice (I don’t think he knows how to, yet), and ES was literally shaking, which was not good. I think the lunch would have gone OK, if KT had not showed up, and let ES handle it. At the same time, KT could not not show up, after hearing that YD had gone through her purse.

When KT came, he saw ES trembling and he got really upset, and he yelled at ES to get up. We tend to forget that KT has also not been very nice to ES (why did he need to yell at her, when she was already feeling so frightened)? I was not impressed with that.

In any case, KT yelled, grabbed ES, and YD reacted, tripping ES (stupid, I know). Those two are so prideful, and it is not a good thing here, because it gets the best of them. KT also ordered her not to pick up his call on the rooftop, and he threatened her (if you pick up the call, I will kill him, or something like that). What the heck, KT? Can you let her handle her life? The problem is again that KT wants to react right away, when he sees ES afraid or if he thinks she is in danger.

KT does not let ES breathe, imho, he wants to make all the decisions for her, supposedly to protect her, but that is not love to me. He is not letting her stand, and have her own voice. He is overbearing (often), and I feel that he is forcing himself on her. When he does that, he is losing me. I wanted KT to let ES come to him, the way we have seen him go to her, and fall for her. ES was right, when she said that her life has been worse since KT has been in it, because well, it’s true. I get that KT feels protective of ES, however I feel that he very often goes about it the wrong way.

I also have an issue with KT wanting to date ES, when he is still engaged to Rachel. I think that is wrong, and not commendable. I don’t think ES should date him, in that situation. He didn’t even have the guts to let the parents know that he wanted to date someone else, and break it off with Rachel. He told ES that he had been courageous. About what, really? That was a very arrogant statement, imo.

RE: this, “I think Young-Do is supposed to like her but also like using her to irk Tan,” I think that YD does like her, but his buttons are pushed the minute he sees KT, and it is as if he wants to punish KT (for what?), and so he uses ES to get to him. Those two behave like such children, *SMH*

Thank you for clarifying things for me, about Rachel’s behavior, and you were right about it. I hope you will see my response :-)


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Oh, and of course, thank you for the recap! I am always thankful, even when I forget to say it, really...


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we seem to have a lot of the same feelings :) i'm pretty confused with won and hyun-joo's relationship, too. i think they're kind of together...? in the first scene they had together (when he gave her the wishbone necklace) i thought that they weren't together and it was a one-sided thing... but then she brought him jook when he was sick, so i thought maybe they were secretly dating, since he mentioned that she never visits him like that when he's at home, and they were just keeping their relationship a secret from the chairman (and i interpreted the "let me date" comment as a joke/comment on their secret kind-of-but-maybe-not-really-a-relationship status)... but idk. they confuse me.

i very much WANT to like the main characters... but i don't. i want to be able to like young-do for more than the fact that kim woo-bin plays him, but so far i haven't been able to connect with his character. there are elements i find interesting, but i'm not rooting for him, not even a little bit. i feel like some dramas write bad boy characters that you sympathize with and really want to see them change for the better... but he's not one of them. i don't actually care if he becomes a human being. i'd be cool with his character just mysteriously disappearing after a freak motorcycling accident.

i want to be able to swoon at tan's declarations of his undying love for eun-sang, but for the most part, i just can't. i don't doubt his feelings for her, but i agree with won's assessment of him as childish and eun-sang's assessment of him as a spoiled brat. i want to like eun-sang--and there are even moments in which i do like her quite a lot, but they're few and far in between.
i want to like won, but he's so mean to his brother... i was hoping we'd learn something about his character's past that would make me like him and see that he was actually protecting tan in some weird way but that hope dies a little with every episode that passes.

i used to feel bad for rachel, until she started expressing her discontent with slapping and hair-pulling... i just want to shake her and say, "girl, you're #2 in your class. tell me again why you can't communicate in words like an intelligent human being?"

sigh. drama, why you gotta make me hate you??? ):


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I'm strangely invested in this drama. I find myself watching an episode over but half the time, I'm just confused, slightly annoyed... captivated nevertheless.

I'm rooting for more scene time for HJ and KW shipping. The scene where she's waiting, and then finally gets the text... for her to voice out that this must be the day they break up. It's heart wrenching. It's so sad.

I really thought it was just me but I don't even know if I am rooting for the main leads. I'm interested to see how the drama unfolds. There's those moments when I feel like I should be squealing or swooning. I find myself holding off on my response. I react but not the way I expect or what I think the writers intended. The backhug. As much as I would probably swoon to be in LMH's embrace.

But it's Tan and situation. If that was me, I would have stomp on his foot and then kicked him in his shins. I don't even want to get into him being downright selfish, sheltered and so narrow minded. I hope all his "thinking" something insanely clever comes out.

But then.... 100th place? I'm sorry that just cracked me up. How did YD place higher, yes by 2 places selecting all A's.. but it's two place higher nevertheless.

And then Young-Do. I swear he takes 1/10 of a step forward but 15 steps backs.... make that 25. He shoots himself on the foot. Thankfully ES shot him. Aha, I actually enjoyed that scene.

But I have to admit. There is something more with YD and ES. it's not affection or like... just chemistry. There's light... a spark? I don't even know if someone else agrees. But Tan and ES? I feel like it's force. Yes, there's those longing, smoldering stares. Perhaps, its because ES is trying to distance herself from the reality of situation as well as her feelings.


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Yes, WooBin and PSH have good chemistry. I think it's because they are the same age and treat each other as friends off screen, that everything seems sorta natural when they interact.
PSH and LeeMinHo don't have that and you can SEE them acting. But it helps that they are all pretty, makes watching the drama so much more bearable lol


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Actually on the set KWB and LMH seem like pretty good buddies. They take frequent smoke breaks together and are joking around with each other all the time.


@Rachelle -I forgot you have the insider scoop! So LMH is still smoking? That's a shame. I hate smoking. Now he can't be my imaginary boyfriend anymore :(.


@Faye, sorry to burst your bubble.


I agree. Even though WooBin's character is so truly messed up, when we get the few glmpses of him being honest with ES about his feelings, they seem more real to me. He just seems more conflicted/affected/torn up by his feelings. Where LeeMinHo's character is a bit more muffled. Has Tan ever really been conflicted about ES, like you would expect? It seems like she had him at I'll give you my dream catcher for letting me stay the night.


I'd imagine the smoking is a result of the kdrama liveshoot system. The tedium of waiting around for your scenes, the anxiety of working up all those emotions, the sleep deprivation... all of that is so conducive to smoking. It gives you something to focus on, provides anxiety relief and the stimulant necessary to stay awake a bit longer, etc. I get it.


Is it that they have good chemistry or is it just that he's a stand out in the cast? I'm prone to thinking it's the latter. I'll tell you what I've noticed he's really good at, using his eyes to create sympathy. When Young-do does the equivalent of pulling Eun-sang's pigtails, and she reacts negatively, he's been able to use his eyes to express that pissing her off wasn't Young-do's intention and he doesn't seem to know how to NOT piss her off. So now, as a viewer, I know that human affection is such an alien thing to his character, he doesn't even know how to express it even when he wants to. I know his character is using the only thing he knows how to do...which is hella sad. He's effectively created sympathy without saying or even doing anything. It's always such a plus when an actor knows how to use their eyes to tell a story.


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@adette.totally agree with Rachel's reactions to ES. Its bordering crazy psycho lady .
And I used to think that she's a poor little rich girl. She's absolutely violent. Ironically she and YDs dad would make a great step father- daughter . they seem to like hitting ppl..


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I really wish to answer your questions but I can´t. It feels like the writer (or the editor) was half asleep doing their job. or maybe the qhole crew was. writer wrote blindfolded, director did his job but not very energetically, editor, again blindfolded and then sound editor just does a shuffle for the background. so maybe that explains the kiss as well. or something.

AND THE STYLIST PICKS A FRIGGIN OLD MANS´ SWEATER FOR TAN. I can forgive a lot of things, but I can´t forgive an ugly sweater. Burn, stylist, burn.


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Wow, yours is the first comment. How did you manage that feat? By the time I finish typing my comments my ranking usually drops by at least 20.

I'm not sure how closely you were watching this episode but in the scene where LMH was reacting to his test ranking, you can see the apartments behind him outside the window. That's where I live.


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I watched the ep. closely (I always do), but I didn't pay attention to the back of LMH, to the housing. I am getting ready to rewatch the ep., so I will pay attention again. Thank you for bringing that up to my attention :-).


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I just watched that scene (and I rewatched it a few times, because I LOVED KWB's reaction in it, to KT being the last at those exams' results. By that I mean that I LOVED how KWB acted in that scene). I saw the apartments over LMH's shoulders. So now, I know where you live :-). I don't know what happened, but I actually wrote this comment 4 hours ago, but I didn't post it. I must have fallen asleep :-(. Well, I am up now :-)


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I wish I could take all of you die hard fans of KDrama in my pocket and bring you onto the set with me. You never know when you might be recruited to take part in the show. It's happened a couple of times already where they asked those of us watching if anyone wants to be in the drama. There aren't a lot of us allowed to watch the filming because they move around a lot and we kind of get in the way. There are also a make up and script girl present for each main actor. The stars are pretty chummy with them, putting their arms around them when they are waiting for their scene.


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Are u serious. Wish I had his autograph.


LMH's autograph is pretty squibbly, can't even tell that it's his name. He also doesn't personalize it, whereas KWB will write "To (insert your name here)".


WOOOOOOOOW wait so I am more intrigued about the school you attend. It''s so beautiful. Is it a private school or a University?


@Sue, actually they are filming at my son's school. It's a private school in Daejeon. They only film the interior shots at the school. In the next episode there should be a gym and locker scene with LMH. The "leadership retreat" boardroom is filmed in the school's boardroom.


I'll look during rewatch


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@Rachelle, SAW where you live! Nice.. (And, would like to come there, of course,heeee!!)


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When I first moved to Korea this is exactly what I dreamt would happen. I actually staked out the airport, Incheon, a few times hoping to catch a glimpse of someone famous filming a drama. Being right next door to this drama and having full access to the set is soooo much better. I got LMH's autograph last week, this week's goal is KWB.


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Wow..it's so nice,isn't it? Well, Enjoy the moments for all of us - all fans of Heirs n kDramas :-)) Nice to have someone from there interacting with me(us). I really like to talk and interact with many people from different cultures and places.. U r native of korea?, if you don't mind me aking, that is.. Hope you are doing fine.. (Don't forget to get KWB's - I think many won't agree with me on this but I really love YD!! *waiting for forks and curses and cowers away*)


No worries, I don't play favorites, I like my drama guys equally, especially when they are all so hot. No, I'm not Korean, I'm from Canada. I wish I spoke better Korean so that I understood what they are saying, then I can really give you some spoilers. I just came back from another day on the set. It was awesome!! I watched LMH play around on a skateboard and play basketball for fun. He also kicked a soccer ball around and boy does he have strong legs. I think I read somewhere he trained to play soccer when he was younger. I felt sorry for the actors, their script just came out late yesterday so they had to study their lines and film today. PSH was nodding off while sitting in the gym. It's 12:35am here and they will not be finished filming for another 2 hours, at least. Unfortunately I did not get KWB's autograph today, I will try again next week.


@Rachelle -Your experiences sound like so much fun! Enjoy for all of us, and keep reporting back tidbits like this.


Thank you so much guys for your responses. I still am currently busy at the moment, however, I will respond as soon as I can. I just wanted you guys to know that. Thank you :-)!


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Ivoire, I agree with most of your observations but I am confused on a little detail. I didn't see ES struggling to free herself. I'm really not trying to be contrarian! I rewatched the scene and all I see is her stiff as a board with wide eyes and YD being way more rough than loving with that "hug". These boys and their power trip, man.


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I agree. I wanted to love this drama even while I had reservations about the writer. Some how even with an amazing and talented cast, this drama is falling flat.


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I agree with A LOT of what you say. As for KT and his selfishness, you have to take into consideration that even with his illegitimate child status and poor family relationship, he's still a rich, spoiled kid. He was born into wealth and everything revolving around him and his family since the public doesn't know his real mom. In fact, the cold family relations probably adds to his selfishness. He wants at least one thing to go his way. KT seems to crave love and affection from those he loves. His brother being the perfect example.
He's never had the problem of worrying about housing and food and surviving, so he doesn't know anything about it and that's not his fault. From a writer's perspective, I like what they've done with KT's character. With his selfish ways, he seems more natural and human. Not humane, but human. I think the writers had to make a choice between making a perfect human being (handsome, rich, smart, talented, kind, selfless) that makes the viewers fall in love with him or a realistic character with his flaws that make for a better screen write. With such unrealistic settings, it's nice to have a little dollop of reality.


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I started out disliking the YD character, but week after week he does something that pulls me over to his side. He's subtle and while his actions are not alturistic there is some level of inherent respect (call me crazy). For example: breaking up the wedding photo shoot, watch him when he leaves Rachel after talking to her, (he'll tap the desk goodbye, he'll wink at her). Even when he's talking to ES, tormenting her, she seems to get under his skin.

the chemistry between ES and YD is what pulls me to root for them; while the chemistry between ES and KT feels forced. LMH looks very tired.

Loved when she shot him with the paint ball gun. and while he only saved ES from Rachel because he wants to torment her; I liked that he stepped in. All told, I think his character, as tormented and bad as he is, is the one that has the most potential for growth (he and Rachel actually). I pretty much liked the whole camping episode; from when they were all walking down the lane; they looked like kids on a camping trip. That part of the drama was a lot of fun.

This is a drama with serious mama issues (with the boys) and none of girls really have father figures. Interesting.


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I’ve seen similarity between heirs & secret these past 3 weeks
Last 2 weeks = both hero watch heroine do laundry of white cloth
Last week = both hero force kiss on heroine lips
This week = both say to their father they don’t want to get married, after being engage for so long

**anyway...back to boring ep AGAIN


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I think exactly the same thing !


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Putting "Heirs" and "Secret" in the same sentence seems, well, sort of wrong...


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I agree. Secret, although plot wise is pretty much the same we see throughout kdrama, but it is directed and shot beautifully. The actors are doing a great job IMHO
because i believe them. I love that even while the OST is playing the male lead talks in between, unlike Heirs where i think it is the only Kdrama where the drama is running dangerously close to ruining two beautiful songs, and we here the song ad nausea while the stares go on into eternity it seems.

Heirs makes me mad. I like LMH even tho his range is a bit stunted so far in all he has done, the best City Hunter, and yes he captures the camera, he just is one of those. But this show is ridiculous, stuffing a 20+ stars into high school uniforms, sorry my mind cannot, or should i say will not stretch that far. I fear what we have here is exactly why i have not watched American TV or movies for over two years, HYPE HYPE HYPE and the rest they should pay me to watch.


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I found this recap mildly amusing for two reasons:

"and Young-do, who just marks all As down his test sheet."
Hmm, a repeat of his Heung-soo character?

"You tried, and somehow got a lower score..."
Yup, definitely Heung-soo.

School 2013 references? Haha.


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Haha, I totally agree with you! I loved School 2013 so much. Namsoon's and Heungsoo's bromance... <3
Heirs is such a let down for me that the only thing that's making me watch is the cast.
I loved the part when Myungsoo was laughing at YD's and KT's rankings. YD's reaction to KT's 100th place was so funny. I replayed that scene so many times.


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OMG great that you picked that up! I remember that from School 2013 too.


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*The central couple in Heirs is certainly getting lots of airtime. First come the heated glances, the cutting remarks. Then the flashbacks to their painful, shared past. Next is the passionate fighting, the unannounced visits to each other’s houses, encounters with each other’s parents. Finally, a confrontation in which they draw battle lines, after which they use a third party to make each other jealous.

Tan and Young-Do, you sure are compelling.

I mean, come *on,* show. “Is it time for you to kneel in front of me?” Flashbacks to Tan and Young-Do together in the closet? Either KES is deliberately messing with us, or R. Kelly is shooting his next music video in Korea.

*Was yet another scene of Young-Do’s father beating the crap out of him for psycho reasons necessary? We get it, show. Young-Do is the way he is because of his daddy issues. And mommy issues too, because of her abandoning him. Okay? Message received.

*I still think it unfair to equate Young-Do and Tan, if for no other reason than Eun-Sang has openly stated she reciprocates Tan’s feelings (plus, he’s not a violent psycho). That being said, Tan really made me want to smack him around this episode (and not in a fun way). How *dare* he call Eun-Sang a coward and play the victim when she raised very legitimate concerns (she and her mother being tossed onto the streets)? And he’s been “brave?” Really? What, exactly, has he given up for her? He still lives as the privileged son of the manor. Besides a few scratches from his fight with Young-Do, he’s suffered nothing. Whereas she gets her hair pulled, has to answer to his mother, is stalked and terrorized by Young-Do, and must worry about her future.

For some reason I still like the two of them together – I feel they have genuine feelings – but Spoiled Rich Emo Boy needs to go a loooong way toward self-awareness and consideration of her needs before he deserves her.

*There were still good parts to this episode:
I LOVED Eun-Sang talking back to Tan and setting him straight. I appreciated the realism she showed in her discussion of the obstacles they’re facing.

I also enjoyed her shooting Young-Do with the gun at the retreat. That look on PSH’s face when she narrowed her eyes and fired . . . just priceless. And a huge “hurrah” for her sneering at him and telling him she’s not scared of him anymore.

The KT-HS talk about HS’s suicide attempt was also well done.

As bitchy as she is, props to Rachel for that “pretending to break off the engagement” move. At least she had the guts to do it. And it was a very clever way of making Tan face up to the music, and admit to himself that he’s not really ready to rock the boat.

The test subplot with all the rich kids tanking was very amusing. Maybe these teens need to stop with all the storm und drag and study once in a while, no? Especially if they’re supposed to be the future of Korea.

*The adult stuff was less interesting. I did not appreciate Rachel’s mother using Secretary Yoon to make her asshole fiancé jealous. Leave the poor guy out of it. Come to think of it, all of these people need to learn how to deal directly with the person they’re having issues with, and not use a third party to annoy them by proxy.

*Aesthetically speaking, that shot where Eun-Sang is staring up the staircase at an ascending Tan after their fight was so evocative – both physically beautiful, and symbolic of the differences in their positions. Nicely done.

On the other hand, between Tan’s ajumma sweater and Young-Do’s ten-foot-long-scarf, that opening scene was the most sartorially distracting thing I’ve seen yet in this series.

Thanks for the recap! I appreciate that you give us a forum to read your ideas and insights and discus our thoughts as well.


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sad to say but this drama has become hopeless. no silver lining and no character.
Even with competent actors, if the story and narrative has no substance it will take you no where. Such a huge disappointment.
I will be completely dropping this drama, even the recaps. aisshhh. Sorry MinHo I just can't take the run around at one place of this, can't take it anymore...

Anyway I don't know if ever the pace will pick up but at ep10 with the same narrative and rhythm I feel like nothing will ever happen...

I will endeavor to forget and erase this story in my head.
Thanks for all eye candy Kim Tan and Chanyoung.. but that's it...



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Same here....
I was waiting for something to interest me and this drama is just going downhill.
I am not rooting for anyone because none of their romances make any sense.Well nor does the story....
This writer is bonkers to waste such a cast.


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Agree! I'm really starting to hate this show. You know a drama's bad when the pretty is what keeps you watching..
Why can't they be NORMAL or nice for once? And I found it really hard to root for any one of the three leads, even EunSang was a bit spineless. The boys deserve a slap.


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Like a car accident you can't look away from....


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the drama is a disappointment and it's unfortunate because all of the actors are really great


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I wanted to smack Tan around too. Especially when he went to YD's dad to get "revenge". They were close friends once right? He should know that YD would physically suffer!!!

And he knew that YD antics with coming to his house and everything won't amount to him actually outing his secret, coz tan said it before! the secret is all YD has on him, so he won't out him.

It just seemed that his teenage bully side from middle school really peaked out in that scene.


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I had no problem with Tan going to Young-Do's father. It may not have been nice, but he's tried nice (to an extent) with Young-Do and it didn't work. Young-Do's coming over and disrespecting his mother was the tipping point. He had it coming to him after that.


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There were ways in which he could of come at him other than instigating a beating for Young-do. I that situation Tan was not better than Young-do's psycho behavior we all like to call him out for.


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Seriously. I no longer like Tan. I mean really, using an abusive parent to get your frenemy hit? That is going way over the line.


Young Do crossed a line in taking the fight to Tan's house. Tan reciprocated. I'm sorry that Yong Do's father is an abusive ass. But since the Young Do apple hasn't fallen far from the tree, I completely understand why Tan went there. You have to fight fire with fire. Especially with someone like Young Do who preys on the other person's weaknesses. Tan just pushed back at his weakness. Sometimes you beat the bully with a bigger bully. But I didn't expect Tan to just take it and not do something real to put a stop to Young Do's disrespect for his mother.


You see, scaring the bully with a bigger bully... I get that

If Tan went to his YD's dad and made bad innuendos like YD did, but backing off and not actually saying something that would cause physical retaliation, it would've been fine. Coz it would've got the point across that "I can do as much harm as you." But actually going through with it, YD didn't even say anything about Tans situation to anyone, though he holds it over his head.


yeah that was very low of Tan, he knows about Youngdo's abusive parent and took it too far


Exactly! We should be able to call out Tans behaviour too. More so since he's the hero. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Tansung shipper but last few episodes I just want ES to ditch both guys and aim to improve her rank lol.

If YD crossed the line by showing up and his house. I think Tan just leaped across it.


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@Roggy, these are my feelings exactly. If Tan had gone over and fucked with YD's dad the way that YD fucked with his mom I would be all for it. However taking it as far as he knowingly did is where it was like *does a double take* WOULD YOU TWO STOP CROSSING THESE LINES. YA'LL ARE GOING TOO FAR AND ALL FOR WHAT!? SHIT YOU CAN'T REMEMBER AND SHOULD REALLY BE OVER BY NOW, A GIRL THAT IS INTERESTED IN ONLY ONE OF YOUR ASSES, AND PETTY YO MOMMA JOKES!!


and waht exactly do you expect form tan?? he HAS to fight back if he doesn't want to be crushed! or how do you want him to react while YD goes around damaging his life?? he's the one stirring him up..from what i saw he tried to hold it back..but before judging his character i have to ask you..wouldn't YOU do the same? i think you would..anyone would it's in our natural instinct defending ourselfs we can't be passive when someone is attacking us..and YES sometimes is better to fight fire with fire...what other behaviour he should adopt in this conditions?


@Roggy, I agree that Tan took it farther. But that was his point. He was saying, in sadly the only language YD understands, if we're taking the fight to family then lets do it. It was his way of putting their battle back on the battlefield instead of crossing into civilian territory. YD stepped over the line to test the water, and Tan showed him exactly how far he'd go if that line was even barely crossed. I'm not saying that we're dealing with sterling characters on either side of this fight. Both boys are spoiled, entitled, arrogant, self-centered, the list could go on for days. But I firmly believe that Tan would NEVER have gone to YD's father if YD hadn't gone after Tan's mother.


Thank you!! Where I sit if you run up in someones home and disrespect their mother you get your butt whooped. Then when you get home, you get your butt whopped again!

When Tan told his dad, and smirked when he left, I had the biggest koolaid smile on my face. Then when he got slapped, I wanted more, but sadly he couldn't use the belt.

YD deserved every ounce of that and more if you asked me!

How dare he go into someone else's home and belittle their mother whom they love? He could have been ran over by a car after that, and I would have not winced not one time. Sorry not sorry.


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Nobody deserves to be a victim of parental abuse. Nobody. Tan knew that this was no spanking he was instigating here.

Did YD deserve payback for disrespecting Tan's mom? Hell yes! But rejoicing on the payback Tan served him is sick.

And it is not ok to sympathize with YD because his father is abusive, but it is ok to enjoy the fact that he gets beat up by his father? The logic baffles. Hate his actions, but enjoy the reasons that contributed to those actions.


young do deserved it, but tan brought himself down to yong do's level... and i personally wouldn't have gone that far because i would fight my own battles instead of getting someone's abusive parent to fight it for me...


Exactly! I mean, as I said in the previous episode comments, there is not much difference between Tan and Young Do. They're reacting for the same, just in their "Father's" way.. Also, YD is, I guess ok. Many people's here comment say about YD being the way he is, more to bcz Tan is on the scene. BUT, I've a bigggg question: Whenever YD wanted to see ES, within 2 or 3 minutes, Tan would be there. Take it from the scene when ES (and Tan) showed up in the school for their first day. After that, he went to restaurant - KT came; the store - KT; school cafe - KT(twice); moreover, he went to KT's house, met ES!Now, in the camp where KT "shouldn't be" - comes when he wanted to show his "character" more(I don't know it's good or bad) to ES!! Just Give the guy a break! KT just wouldn't stop following around ES - in every goddamn place. Urgh... What else do you expect YD to behave, when he's already a bully/has his own issues?
Well, many people had big expectations I guess.(pls, No need to curse the writers n the crew, I guess). They're doing what they like. Whatever it is, it's just a drama - good or bad. It's for entertainment only. No hard feelings...don't we all have enough on our plates? So, while possible, let's enjoy it!


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I agree with most of your comment, but I'm not sure who'll lose more if KT and ES' relationship comes to light. KT has a lot more, so obviously he would have a lot more to lose. Granted ES and her mother would lose their job and place to live, but KT may face the same too. Since his father had no qualms in exiling him 3 years ago, I wouldn't put it past him to kick him out completely. ES would at least have her mother on her side, but KT would have no one unless his mother somehow finds the courage to go against papa Kim (so far all evidence points to the contrary). Therefore, I don't see a problem with KT's comment in the wine cellar. Although I agree with GF that to the logical mind this relationship is not worth pursuing, but since when are teenage relationships based on logical sense and reason? Granted ES went through a lot more in her 18 short years of life to put much weight, if any, into a fairy tale romance, but I won't expect KT to see where she's coming from. I wouldn't blame him for being unable to empathize with her when she is unable empathize with him either. It is ironic, because both of them led miserable lives on the opposite ends of the extremes. KT, who has everything but care and affection in his life, would grab desperately onto this midsummer's night dream. ES, on the other hand, has a loving mother, who is willing to sacrifice anything for her two daughters. She is not starving for affection nor a fairy tale romance. Instead, she can only work hard to prevent herself and her mother from starving on the streets.


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@Ivana - I see your point, and if there really were consequences for Tan, they would be on a very large scale. I guess I'm not convinced any of that would actually happen. It seems more likely that Tan's father would toss Eun Sang and her mother out on the street, and Tan would get scolded, but not disinherited.

But from Tan's perspective, he may not see that. I'm convinced he really likes the star-crossed lovers aspect of this romance :).


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Nice touch...I was cracking up with the "Trapped in the Closet" remark.

Several episodes back, Kim Tan and Young-Do became the #1 couple in Heirs to me. Heirs is definitely flawed, but I enjoy and anticipate what both actors -Lee Min-Ho and Kim Woo Bin- will deliver each week acting wise with their characters. In their scenes together, they deliver the chemistry, angst, and constant range of emotions as their characters act and react to each other.

I hope not, but Lee Hyo-Shin will probably attempt suicide again.

I agree that the image of the staircase was aesthically beautiful and symbolic of the differences in their positions as well as the image of Eun-Sang's feet hesitating to step or cross over the threshold into Tan's room.


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guess I'm not the only one bothered by the overlong scarf. he could be choked to death wearing that while riding motorcycles :D. who says the scarf won't get into the wheel. but overall the stylist did great with kim woo bin style here, even when young do is a jerk, he's still a fashionable jerk. he's got a real style with sweaters, loafers , and leather jacket, much better than Tan's over-expensive-but-suits-Eunsang's-mom-better outfit


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I second that. The stylist of this show secretly hates LMH. Oh, and everyone else secretly roots for a sociopath character just cos it's Woobin playing him. He even looks like a pale vampire sometimes. But do I care? Nope. I'll be watching this drama to the end.


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For real! I thought Woo-Bin was one accident away from pulling an Isadora Duncan on that motorcycle.


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Yes, except for that ridiculous stripe scarf I agree 100% that YD outfits are more stylish and fitted than KT's!


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Hahaha! The two boys are in love...w/ each other! This would actually make the drama more interesting and explain a lot of the nonsense imo.

I know Tan is getting a lot of flack for "tattling" to Young-Do's dad, but I can understand the reasoning. I cannot, however, justify that disgusting smirk on his face when he left Young-Do alone w/ his abusive dad, knowing what was going to happen because of his words. This is our hero?

I am *very* tired of seeing Eun-Sung "needing" to be rescued by Tan or Young-Do or even her friend whats-his-face instead of standing up for herself more often. She is constantly being dragged along, wide eyed. I love when she shows that spark, but wish it was consistent.

Do we *really* need ANOTHER ep ending w/ her literally between the boys? It's no contest. She already confessed to liking Tan.

And why don't they just say she is tutoring Tan?

Also tired of the looooooong scenes of her and Tan just gaaaaaaazing into the distance.

And Tan's sweater collection needs to be burned.

That is all.

For now. ;)


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Agree with everything you just said. The sweaters ARE atrocious.


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"Either KES is deliberately messing with us, or R. Kelly is shooting his next music video in Korea." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


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Lee Bona's paintball scenes were nothing short of epic lol. Love how she owned Rachel before the game even started roflmao. I love the rivarly between her and Rachel. I mean Eunsang doesnt put up with Rachel too but she lacks that boss personality like Bona to snap back at Rachel. These two are just charming. Love their frenemy relationship lol. Ahhh. The parody scene with Chanyoung was so hilarious as well.


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Lee Bona and Rachel are both hilarious in their own ways. I wish the writer would make Chanyoung and Rachel half-sibling just to see how Rachel and Bona would react knowing they are going to be sister-in-law.


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I'm actually looking forward to this kind of run in. When the truth comes out, and Chanyoung's dad & Rachel's mum's relationship comes to light, I wonder how everyone's gonna react. I'm feel kind of liminal with Rachel's mum's character, but I really dislike whatever she has with Youngdo's dad, cause he's such an irritating character. Period. In many ways, thats why I have a sense of sympathy for Youngdo, despite his cocky ways, because his dad moulds him to be the jerk that he is.


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Love is my pain? Jesus Christ, this show is my pain.

I hadn't realised how draining PSH and LMH were (their characters/acting, w/e it is idc) but it just made me fast forward all of their scenes. All of their conflicts were so annoying as well, especially Yoo Rachel who is irritating as hell but somehow Kim Tan looks even worse coming out of it. She's doing exactly what he should be doing even if for the wrong reasons but he has the nerve to be pissed?? Like. Dude. You have no sympathy from me. At this point just grow the fuck up and try and empathise with someone other than yourself. And Cha Eun Sung is just ... there. I guess.

And yet, I really have no idea why Young Do is pretty much my real interest in this show even tho I hate/love to hate him and he's so unbelievably terrible. His dad might be more so however (he's even more terrifying) and so yeah, I've started to feel a little sympathy but tbh he's past any kind of redemption. Yet I'm the most engaged in the show when he's on screen. Ugh Woobles, why must you do this to me.

I can see why Jung Yong-hwa dropped out and for the fist time I'm kind of mad about it. Lol, I don't think Woobles would have been offered Mirae's Choice or that it would have even been a good fit for him, but I really want to see him in a rom com, he's so sweet and cuddly irl it would have been good to see him in a different kind of role. Sighing for what would never have been.

: (


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"Love is my pain? Jesus Christ, this show is my pain."

LOL! I had a similar thought last night, but the second half was just a HUGE eyeroll, which I do a lot of watching this show. And yelling at the tv. Lots of yelling. But I can't stop watching, lol.


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I really hate crying eun sang, she isn't suppose to be that way..
PSH always have 'surprised eyes' in almost every scene..

yong do, I wish he could grow up soon.. though the character is writtten badly, KWB did a good job, I can't imagine other actor can do that role other than him.


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You and me both. :(

The writer couldn't have destroyed ES's character more if she tried. She was awesome before. Had many layers to her character. Was real and relatable. She wasn't perfect, but that's what I liked her.

But now? WTH.

Ugh. this was supposed to be my crack drama. Like I'm still eager to watch but also apprehensive at the same time...

this is just.

Why, writer? Why would you make ES just object for the boys to toss around for their own agenda? And tan, too! I loved how respectful and considerate he was of her before. His confessions was so touching. Especially when he revealed himself to her at the house. He thought about her. And wasn't pushy. But now? Like he's suddenly all possessive of her. If it was because he wanted to protect her and really loved her... well IM JUST NOT SEEING IT NOW with all the YD drama.

C'mon, writer... You got 10 more eps. Please don't screw this up. Such a wasted cast. Maybe even the last LMH role? X( What a shame.


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Yes. Her 'surprised eyes' are ridiculous. That last scene where he suddenly hugged her? Those eyes. So ridiculous. Even worse when she was really 'surprised'.


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exactly !!


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Hahaha! I know, right? I think that's one of her trademark expressions...the deer caught in the headlights expression...even before in YB!


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LOL Her "surprise eyes" are also her "sad eyes" and "confused eyes" and well... Everything else too

Hr character is a real disappointment. I expected her to be feisty like when she first met YD, both when she threatened to call the cops in ep 1 and when she took Rachel's tag. But instead, ever since we got to school, her bravery has become on-again-off-again. It's annoying. But I like her realism when talking about her relationship,with Tan.

About YDs character, I actually think he's well written. We expect people born in a materialistic and pampered world without any real love, with abusive parents to turn out like he did. It makes no sense for him to suddenly change just because he likes a girl. It's his first time too, he doesn't know how to interact with her without be condescending, but he's trying and hence hopefully we'll see some character deep elopement on his part.

As for Tan character... Either your the knight in whinging armour or your the villain that keeps the heroine locked up in a tower, you can't be both.

Bad as this drama is, love all the actors and all the side characters too. Wish they had more screen time. I wouldn't mind watching an hour filled with BN, CY and MS.


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Lol so typos, autocorrect hates me.
*shining armour
*character development


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Are you sure it's not whining armor?

Sorry, it just kinda fit. :)


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Hahaha it does, doesn't it???!! LOL


HAHAHA "a knight in whining armor" is perfect!

i think your typo just created a new type of hero.


Plenty of abused people do not abuse. They see what is wrong and CHOOSE not to take the same road. YD CHOOSES on the other hand to be a bully, so since it is HIS choice it can't be blamed on his father, and that is a ridiculous cop out. Every single human being have a choice, and even the wrong they do is their choice, as is the good.

LMAO, Tan has not locked ES up in any castle. As you can see ES is the one calling HIM. The fact is that a lot of you guys are missing, is that Tan is not doing anything a part of ES does not want to do. Actually she is afraid that he is doing what SHE actually wants him to do.

That is the difference here. She wants him to hold on to her, she is just pushing him away because she knows that there will be consequences to what both of them want.


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LOL I meant in the earlier episodes, when she wanted to stay away from him. He resorted to stalking her and watching her on CCTV cameras....
Seems a tad bit creepy to me


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@LoveIT - But YD's dad IS the number one reason YD grew up to be who he is! It is not a cope out. Also different people react to life situations differently. I have seen both, where abused people turns compassionate towards others and those who react aggressively like YD. I have a lot of sympathy for YD, and I am waiting for him to change. Also he is only 18 where people can be immature. He will grow up :) Plus WB is doing an awesome job portraying YD :)


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yonf is bettet than tan and this ep proves it. I mean tan forcefully kisses eunsang (which is straight sexual harassment in my book ( and what does young do. he gives her a bear hug. a bear hug just tells me that yongdo us actually the better if not more innocent one. I swear I thought g e was gonna forcekiss her too. whew!

I totally abhore the typical kdrama attitude of the girl first being forcefully kissed and then goes "oh my first kiss giver, you're the one I truly love" and goes back to the place to reminiscent how wonderful her forced kiss was. egh!

that aside, chanbona!!!!! too adorable!


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by yonf I meant yongdo. and other minor mistakes. God I hate typing with my phone.


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that paintball scene make me LOL..

i give up on young do-eunsang-tan love triangle
i think i'll continue watch just for chanyoung and bona..
they are sooooo adorable^^


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it's sad how the side pairing gets more attention and action than the main OTP.

And don't get me started on Young Do. No matter how awesome Kim Woo Bin is, his character is a bucket of fish wastes. Not that Tan is any better but he gets to pass the bucket because he's the main lead that we are supposed to root for.

Since ep 7, I fast forward till i see either Bo Na or Chanyoung. This is my first time watching Krystal act. I don't know anything about the quality of acting but i absolutely adore Bo Na. With Chanyoung too, of course.


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the paintball scene was the highlight of the whole episode.


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It was.


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the paintball scene was great! I couldn't stop loling


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Chan Young and Bo Na are the ONLY two characters worth watching. I borderline hate everyone else.


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This show is seriously getting so annoying. The only reason im even watching it is just get it over with since i've already started. Really disappointed with LMH's role.. like seriously dude, get over it..whats so great in Eun Sang's personality that captured you??There's absolutely nothing to her personality that stands out. And 2 guys fighting over her??pfttt..BORING!
I'm actually enjoying Madam's Han's role more. Even Bo Na and her sweet boyfriend..would watch their stories anytime then the boring crap thats the main story.
So darn disappointed.
On another note, how come you're not doing recaps and reviews on Secret?(sorry if i missed your earlier posts and hence not read the reasons) Now thats a show worth watching. The acting there is just amazing! Hope the main guy gets an award :)


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same thoughts on Heirs and secret!
i'm just watching heirs for the sake of finishing it.

and yes i agree! how i wish anyone here on dramabeans recapped secret. it would've been nice to share my opinions on secret here with everyone else. /sigh


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Lol, never thought about it, but yeah Eun Sang is pretty dull.


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I was fixated on the strange English lesson going on while Eun Sang watched the boys washing windows. I googled "snowboard bumpers" and the first thing that come up is this site totallyabsurd.com/snowboardbumper.htm, which has the exact text that the English teacher was reading. Again, not at all impressed with the curriculum at this elite HS.


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hahahah! i was wondering what the hell they were talking about in that class. The teacher back in California was more interesting. they should bring that guy back.


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I hope this episode has changed your opinion about Young Do – who is my favorite character – because 1) it is played by Kim Woo Bin and 2) I find the character the most pitiful of all. No other character has such a horrible background. Imagine what kind of childhood he must have had. No role model. No love. No attention. No mother. And monster as a father. It is clear from this episode that he did all the bad things to seek for attention, that he did not know how to show affection. Acting up, turning bad – they are ways so others will be interested in him. Other characters’ problems are because they want to have it all – Tan wants the life he has, with his mother acknowledged and Eun Sang, Kim Won wants all of Jeguk, no half-brother, and a commoner as a girlfriend, Rachel wants engagement and Kim Tan, the list goes on. I really really want Eun Sang to return the feeling to Young Do. Because it must be nice, that for once, he has someone who he likes, loves him back.


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ditto. and also the part where the monster dad says "one person you can't beat is enough". I mean the dude's been taught to tample on others, what is he suppose to do?


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*trample* ugh


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Wow. no offense but there are people who have much more issues than CYD and they don't go through life abusing other people.Young Do's father and mother both suck I get it. He is bullied by his father so he bullies I get that too but that doesn't excuse him. If he wants to be loved than he has to act like he loves. He and Tan were best friends and I am sure they loved each other but instead of taking his friends reassuring words he uses them as weapons? thats total BS. His friend loved him and was trying to comfort him and he calls him a bastard? That makes me think that young do wouldn't know what to do even if ES loved him back- he wouldn't value her or her love.


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Tell me about it.

Everytime I think about how sweet it was of Tan to comfort Young do and try to make him feel better by sharing his truth of being illegitimate with him, it pisses me off.

They were boys...best friends and what does YD do after he shares this with him? Starts treating him differently and refuses to go to the airport to see him off when he was exiled to America by Won.

And then years later tries to blackmail Tan with the information to get him to leave school. Can you say insecure asshole?


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Exactly! This episode did not change my feelings towards YD, because his father is abusive. Nah, me feelings will change towards him, when HE shows signs that he no longer wants to be like his father, and it should not be because of a girl. Change should happen from within for it to lasting and sincere. What is going to happen when he loses the girl? In real life they go back to being who they really have been all the while, but not before they show that same girl they never changed in the first place. So far, he wants to follow in his father's footsteps.

Therefore I feel no sympathy at all.


No offense also. But I think CYD did that precisely because he is insecure. He is afraid that he's actually illegitimate so he doesn't want to associate himself with one. Of course, there is never a good reason to bully anyone. But, how would a person know to be better? It's easy to hate him because he's still very much fortunate compared to other people. His logic and environment are completely screwed up. And of course, my wish wouldn't come true. ES would never love him back.


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I think that's kind of the point. He doesn't know what to do with real affection, it's all backwards in his mind. Don't forget, these are supposed to be kids in high school. No offense if you are still a teen, but rational thought is not the typical teen's strong suit. Throw in a heap of angst and an abusive father (who he's had no buffer from for 8 years) and you get Young Do. I'm thinking he'll have some kind of epiphany at some point, but he's just not there yet.


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@Ally - The point is that YD never received affection from anyone. No one loves him unconditionally. He does not know real love, does not know how to express it, and when it is offered, he does not know what to do with it. And I understand where YD is coming from in rejecting Tan. The poor boy has seen his dad sleeping with numerous women his entire life. And then his bf says he is the son of a mistress. In his mind, he hated Tan because Tan was the son of a woman like those who slept with his dad. I totally understand his situation and the mindset of a 15 year old. I have more compassion for YD because Tan definitely had a better life than him, has his mom with him, and she loves him unconditionally. I agree that YD and Tan did not have to be enemies but I guess YD's wounds take a long time to heal. Hoping that they will be friends again by the end of the drama.
One more thing - People respond to abuse/bullying differently, especially children. Some becomes compassionate towards others, some imitates the behavior and becomes aggressive.


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@Ally - YD does not know any better behavior. But he is trying to change for ES. Of course, it still comes off as messing with her but at least he is trying. It will take some time because he has never known any better behavior. In episode 11, Rachael and YD made me cry :( As much as he is a psycho, I can't hate him. And is played well by WB.

@NewFan - I agree with you. Teenagers are not rational. And when they grow up in an environment like YD does, it is rare if they don't turn out to be like him.


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"No other character has such a horrible background"

I honestly cannot agree.
Eun Sang has no father, no house of her own, has to work her ass off for money, has to watch her mum work her ass off for money only to have her ungrateful sister steal it all away. She also has to endure ridicule at home and at school, all the while being aggressively chased by two selfish and spoiled man-children. But is she acting like a psychotic bully because the world has been unfair to her?

She has a lot to deal with, returning Young Do's feelings would be the least of her concerns. What's more important is that Young Do has done nothing to deserve or warrant her affection.

I don't disagree that he has a terrible role-model of a father, and it's understandable that he has a lot of pent up anger and attitude problems, but lashing it out on others the way he does is inexcusable. I am also pretty sure Young Do got plenty of attention from Tan before he himself pushed him away, so no sympathies from me.


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She has her mother. Money or love?


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All the main characters lives are pitiful. YD's isn't more pitiful than the others. He might experience physical abuse, however mental abuse isn't any less harmful.


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There can be emotional abuse without physical abuse. However, when there is physical abuse there is also emotional abuse. I am not talking about disciplinary slapping, but physical abuse to the level that YD gets from his father (choking, belt whooping, etc.).

While all of the main characters (KT, ES, YD and R) have pitiful lives they also have love or someone that cares about them. Bona and CY are main characters too but they seem like pretty happy kids overall.

KT's mom loves him, ES's mom loves her. I don't know about Rachel and familial affection but I doubt she is being physically abused and I haven't seen anything that indicates that she is emotionally abused by her family. I don't get the vibe that she is, despite the confrontations with mom, at least not to the level of abuse. I think she is being used but she doesn't seem to hate that idea and when she does is because of KT's actions and not because of her family. Only YD gets both the physical and emotional abuse in the sense that he has no one that cares about him. So, yes, his life is more pitiful than the others despite all the perks of his wealth.


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Hit submit too soon.

YD's dad is also way more emotionally abusive than any of the other parents, constantly putting him down. At least daddy Kim has told Tan that he likes both him and Won. Then he turned all crazy in last episode but I have seen interactions that show that Tan has had it better with his dad that YD with his. I have yet to see one single sign of affection from daddy Choi.

Both physical and emotional abuse are terrible and one is no better than the other but YD gets a double decker. I think he is, in fact, more pitiful than the other characters.


@me - I agree with you. YD's life is the worst compared to other characters in this drama.


Except for Young Do's dad's affinity for judo, I actually don't see too much difference in how Young Do and Kim Won grew up. Both have fathers, who are promiscuous and psychologically sick and manipulative, and both have half-brothers. In Kim Won's case, he also has to worry about KT's position in Jeguk. Therefore, I don't find Young Do's actions toward his peers completely justifiable by the environment he grew up in. I can understand Young Do's sudden animosity toward KT when he found out that KT's illegitimate, as KT is the product of the type of trauma his father and mother put him through over and over again when they date outside their marriage. Just like KT is a thorn in Kim Won's side, KT is also a source of pain to Young Do, as he would constantly remind him of the tragedy he faces at home. Young Do probably sees it as a complete betrayal on KT's part, as KT was the one that witnessed all the pains he grew up with. Yet, in the end, KT himself is a source of that type of pain. Therefore, I can accept his animosity toward KT, but NOT toward all the others he bullied.


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Young do has a half brother?????


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They never said brother. Just that he had a half-sibling and that's when Tan told him about being illegitimate in the flashback.


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no, yongdo said that if one the mistresses of his dad was to have a child he'd be the same as Tan. and that's why he was mad at Tan so much at that time. from his perspective, an illegitimate child would be a constant reminder of his father's betrayal and all the wrong stuff the father had done. but yongdo does not actually have a half sibling. Rachel might become his step sibling.


@ Blegh (love that). That's what I thought too.


Last episode He hinted that maybe yd mon was the mistress and that is the reason she is gone


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same sentiments here... ES reciprocating YD's feeling at least for once in this drama... I would really love to see that, it is the only reason I am trying to watch this. And puhlease, enough violence already, a little light please on the characters maturity.


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"I’m pretty sure that both boys actually like her, but I’m also sure that they hate each other more, which sort of clouds that teeny tiny thing called motivation."

Really? I'm surprised you think KT hates YD more than he likes ES. I think it's pretty obvious now that he cares a lot for her and has since the first day he met her in the US.

Yes I get that sometimes KT is a willing participant in the pissing contest with YD, but for the most part he's usually reacting to YD's actions.

I also love the little symbolisms we get in this drama. For example, ES literally crossing the line to enter KT's room/world.

I like that ES is starting to show her interest more. I also like that she's standing up for herself more when it comes to YD.


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Okay, I got about three minutes into this episode before I had a rage blackout. Might well be done with this show. I'm definitely done with Tan. I've always thought he was selfish and annoying, but this is just, I can't even. I don't care how nasty Young-do is. Nothing he has done (or could do) can justify Tan provoking his father, when he knows he's abusive. I thought I was going to be physically sick when I saw him take off his belt, and Tan just walks off with a smirk on his face. Am I supposed to root for someone who thinks he's awesome for getting someone else's dad to beat them?


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But YD beats up innocent kids in school. And even violently tripped a girl...

I don't think KT's intention was to get Tan beat up by his Dad. It was to get him to back off bringing family into their beef. And he had to play dirty to get that.


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please. Tan knew what he was doing.


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I agree. But what I'm trying to say is YD getting beat up by his dad wasn't KT's #1 priority. The #1 goal was to get him to back off his family.

And with nasty bullies like YD, you sometimes have to play dirty and stoop to their level. I'm not really sure what else KT could have done in that situation. YD took it too far by showing up to his home. He did what he felt he had to do and it WORKED.

That's another thing I like about this show. Even the good guys aka KT, are kinda bad. Most of the characters are very flawed.

And personally, I think YD deserved a butt whooping for violently tripping ES.


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That wasn't playing dirty though and was beyond low. It was calculatingly manipulative (especially with how YD was like dude don't tell him, you know what will happen if you tell him). Young-do disrespecting his mom and his instigating a beating is not on the same level.

Since the show likes to reference Shakespeare; in the situation Tan reminded of Iago from Othello. Othello is the literal killer of Desdemona but the man who planted the seeds, lends him the weapon, and has her blood on his hands is Iago.

Just because Young-do is a bully and violent himself does't mean the cycle of violence that cause his violent behavior should continue or be provoked in a game of who's bigger. NO one deserves to be smacked around like a rag doll or scarred by a belt, no matter how much of a shit they can be.

These two keep crossing line after line in their need to one up each other and it needs to stop.


Exactly, he did what he had to do. Especially since we know YD has it in his character to go over his house again to mess with his mother. I can see him now, going over there as much as he wants to belittle her.

Tan did what he had to. He went to the source and made him pay for talking down to his mother. Any less and I would have thought less of Tan.

As soon as he did that YD knew he had to back off.


yea Tan knew what he was doing and I thought it was wrong. And I am not a fan of Tan but if someone keeps making barbs at my mother and knowingly treats her like a maid I was pissed enough to beat them my self or get revenge. Plus young-do used the same BS technique with Tan other mother.


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I agree. I swear this drama is sending all the wrong messages...


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You damn skippy he did!

You point is what exactly? Cuz where I'm sitting YD brought all of this on HIMSELF! But that tends to happen when act like an ass.


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Yaasssss pru22!!! Love you for your comments on this. You are right my dear.


I don't care if he beats kids up at school. I don't care if he tripped someone. And anyway, if you can't use his abusive background to excuse his bullying, you most certainly can't justify his abuse by saying that he's a bully.

And Tan definitely knew what he was doing. He knew just how to provoke his father. That's not "playing dirty." That's using the fact that someone's father beats them to exact petty revenge.


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Tan wouldn't have had to GO THERE had Young do's dumbass not shown up at his house and disrespected his mother. He took it THERE so Tan did him one step better.

Don't start none, won't be none.

He messed with his mother so Tan messed with his father.


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He didn't have to go there. I'll say it again. As nasty as Young-do has been, no one deserves to be beaten by their parents. To be absolutely clear: there is absolutely no justification for parental abuse. And there is absolutely no justification for someone to instigate an abusive situation, regardless of whatever shit they've pulled. And Tan didn't mess with his father. He messed with Young-do by provoking his father into beating him. If you guys don't see how that is beyond fucked up, I'm just, I'm done.


I think it's important to point out that if Tan went to YDs dad and ONLY messed with him, like how YD does. Like... "Hey guess what happened.... Nothing lol" I think it would've had the same effect in scaring YD into keeping family out of it. tan took it to a whole other level when he used the information to get YD beat up. I'd rather Tan start another fist fight. At least then YD can fight back. With his father he'll always suffer,


It's not petty revenge... If someone talks to your mom like that (like she is a servant), and keeps calling her concubine you would be pissed. And btw I still think what Tan did was wrong but I understand where he was coming from- killing two birds with one stone- getting revenge/ getting the families uninvolved in their fight. I think it's not right to make excuses for Young-do or for Tan that matter. They are both in the wrong but thats what makes them human.


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Yeah, I don't care if he has a abusive father or whatever. Young do deserved it. The dude is always starting crap with Kim tan. I am sick of people defending this dude, yeah its funny how people always ignore, what YD has done to others, but as soon as he gets what he needs, people start a complete uproar. He started the whole mess in the first place, and im glad he payed for it. He should have never betrayed his best-friend for being a mistress son, he should have never came over to kim tan's acting like a complete dick and trying to humiliate his mother, he should have never tried to bring tan down by bring up his family and the using the problems he has within it, because this dude obviously has some seriously family problems himself. If he wants to hurt others using their problems with their relatives, then young do needs to confront his problem's himself, because its pissing me of that he is always trying to bring family into the mess he already caused.
Im sooo glad tan did that....


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Really now!? Really!? If Tan wanted to take it there he could have come up in Young-do's house and got in YD's dad face about how for all his wealth and posturing he couldn't even keep a lowly woman by his side and was cheated on/abandoned because he a bastard. He could of rubbed whatever big issue or secret of Young-do's mommy abandonment issues in his face. Basically hit them both where it really hurts: Young-do's mom.

I think his retaliation of disrespecting mom and treating her like a servant is to get you whipped like a dog by your dad (which is what it would have escalated into if homegirls' phone hadn't gone off) was stepping out of bounds. It felt like bringing a gun to a knife fight.

Young-do took it far with the house visit, and then Tan took it too far with the daddy tattling beating. If the situations were reversed and Young-do instigated something that resulted in an already keyed up with pointless hate Won, smacking around Tan, you all know we would ride YD's ass from here to high noon for that psychotic shit. Tan doesn't get a pass just because YD started it first.


Um, I'm not ignoring what YD has done to others. I'm saying that what he's done to others is absolutely irrelevant to the situation. I agree he shouldn't have humiliated Tan's mother and agree he shouldn't do 99 percent of the things he does. However, knowing that someone is abused, and deliberately instigating abuse, is beyond fucked up. I feel like you guys aren't really thinking about the dynamics of domestic abuse. That isn't comparable tripping someone or beating someone up or humiliating someone's mother. Parental abuse isn't a one-off; it's a situation in which a kid lives under the constant threat of emotional/physical violence from someone who has absolute social/moral authority and material control over them. Deliberately provoking the parent into abusing their kid for your own ends is unforgivable. Nothing can justify that kind of behavior (or getting a kick out of it, as Tan did).


"Like bringing a gun to a knife fight" well put.


I am glad he did it too, he made my day actually lmao. I also loved his little smirk, because it showed he knew what he was doing, and in the end YD knew never to do that again, so mission accomplished.


I'm sooo glad Tan did that too-it was great!


"And anyway, if you can’t use his abusive background to excuse his bullying, you most certainly can’t justify his abuse by saying that he’s a bully."



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@Grumpy - "And anyway, if you can’t use his abusive background to excuse his bullying, you most certainly can’t justify his abuse by saying that he’s a bully." - I love that comment! Tan definitely did wrong. He could have gotten back at YD in some other way.


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Whether his background is used to excuse his bullying or not , I would never say that a bully should be abused.


@Grumpy I agree with you 100%. As soon as Tan did that I was like WTF dude you are just as psycho if not more psycho than YD. You two deserve each other's f-ed up attention seeking too much pride to say I'm sorry friendship.

@Vicky, for as long as they have been friends and for all the secrets they know about each other; nope Tan defiantly knew what he was doing/getting YD into when he went and ratted to his father. It was hella cruel and 10 times worse than YD coming into his safe home and being disrespectful to his mom (not that, that action was not cruel, or immature and uncalled for).

Both are such asses and ES would be better off alone.


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thank you!


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No one is saying Tan should get a pass. Had Young do not brought the drama then Tan wouldn't have had to lay the smackdown on his dumbass.

You don't come for someone and think they are going to let you get away with that bs! And at least Tan told YD before hand he was coming for him and invited him to come along and watch.

That's more than YD did.


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"And at least Tan told YD before hand he was coming for him and invited him to come along and watch"...but that just show how psychopathic Tan could be. Like he literally inviting someone to their own demise, the intentional mocking is cruel and cold.


I not only think Tan should get a pass, I think he should get praise for what he did!


Sometime a little cultural context can help. Traditionally, Asians would think disrespecting mom is A LOT worse than getting a beating from one's parent. I know that scene would probably warrant a call to child protection services, but my male cousins, who are now in their 20's, grew up by being disciplined with belts and rods, so....


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where in asia are they..? may i ask being belted at 20 .. they should just leave the house .


I am not even Asian, but where I am from people hold their moms in high regard, and if someone disrespects her it is only right for you to protect her honor. It is also normal for you to get your arse beat for disrespecting someone's mother. And if my father or mother found out that any of their children did that, their arse would be grass.


Was getting choked out by their father part of their discipline? I mean, there's a spanking/discipline, and then there's abuse, and there are many points along the spectrum. But if the "discipline" is accompanied by constant emotional/mental torment as well, is the line really that blurry?


i'm korean and you are wrong


i am referring to @Ivana...what you are saying is incorrect


Man, this drama. To be honest, those that say YD instigated things may be right, but for the past 2 episodes, whenever there was trouble, it was because KT came to where YD was chilling at. However, I think what KT did should not be judged as terrible. As the saying goes, "All is fair in love and war". Taking it to a whole 'nother level is expected.

On the other hand, KT can beat up YD, so why not just fight.


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Glad I am not the only one who was so disturbed by that scene. Like WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! How can he even do that? I get that Young-do went to his house as well and hit it where it hurt, but getting your once-friend beat up as payback, like what is wrong with him? How is he even a person, let alone somebody we should be rooting for. I swear the males in this show are such sexist pigs, except probably Chan Young (who is the best!) and Hyo Shin. Grabbing, threatening, forcefully kissing a girl is not going to make you like her. I find the affections from both Tan and Young Do's parts utterly baffling. They don't even know the girl, or put the effort to get to know her. And why is PSH's character so bipolar. One minute I'm like finally she is standing up for herself and then the next she is just being dragged along for the ride. I swear does this writer think that abusive relationships are swoon-worthy. I noticed that in both Secret Garden (where the main guy continuously bashed on the girl for being too ordinary to be worthy of his liking), and even to a certain degree Gentleman's dignity, there is too much sexism. I don't buy that real girls would fall for this kind of treatment. Now Mirae's Choice is a drama that surprisingly explores this aspect of sexism in the workplace, and how girls are expecting certain things outside of their jobs. It's funny how I expected more from Heirs, but now I am loving that drama. What a waste for Lee Min Ho and Kim Woo Bin, and of course Choi Jin Hyuk!


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I agree that KT going to YD's father knowing what would come of it is way over the line. For me it was a reminder that no so long ago KT was just as much an asshole and a bully as YD. He was basically saying to YD "You want to play at this level? Fine, let's play."

The thing about fighting with good friends and family is that they know how where to hit to make you hurt.


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and also, really shocked too that people are using "young do is awful, he deserved it" and/or "young do did this, so kim tan is justified doing this" arguments. people, do you even hear yourself/read whatever you wrote?!

yes, young do is an awful person. yes, what young do did in kim tan's house is crossing the line. and yes, young do's sob family stories are not justifications for his own behavior. no one is contesting these facts.

the issue here is kim tan , and what kim tan did knowingly - there is no justification for this at all.

IMO, kim tan's recent actions put up a lot of questions regarding his characterization that deserves to be answered. kim tan is said to be a worse bully than young do, so what made him 'change' exactly? such drastic change in personality is surely caused by something significant. and how are kim tan's actions to eun sang even romantic? he is engaged, and treats rachel like crap as well as rude to rachel's mother. he supposedly likes eun sang, but does not listen to her at all and is inconsiderate of her circumstances. people are rooting for kim tan and eun sang simply because they are the main otp - but at the rate this show is going (10 episodes), in the real world eun sang would end up the being the kept woman.. this is swoon worthy?! *facepalm*


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and what is with "kim tan HAD to go there" reasoning even? kim tan did not have to go in that level, he willingly chose to go in that level...

kim tan had other options...
1. kim tan could tell young do: "you're crossing the line. you do realize i could involve your father in this? so stop involving families."
2. kim tan could still go to young do's father just saying his greetings.
3. or you know, kim tan can just beat up young do himself.


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and just to show how hypocritical people are getting:

in the drama "i can hear your voice," people are rooting for park soo ha to make the right choice because "even if you are a victim, the moment you DO bad things then you stop being the victim and will just be a victimizer."

that statement should be and IS applicable to both young do and kim tan.

so why now suddenly kim tan is 'justified' for doing what he did?! manipulating and provoking an abusive parent to abuse his own child?! really?! just ugh.


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Very well put, couldn't agree with you more.


Let me break it down for you, at least the way I see it:

Young-Do torments people for no reason. Not only are his attacks unprovoked, but they serve no purpose other than gratify Young-Do's sadism.

In contrast, Tan's provocation of Daddy Choi was not only justified -a direct tit for tat because of what YD did to his mother- it was necessary. Young-Do had continually tormented Tan, Eun Sang, and now Tan's mother. He did not respond to any of Tan's previous tactics, including asking him to stop, telling him to stop, ignoring him, and beating him up.

In fact, not only did YD not respond, he escalated and indicated that he would keep on doing so. He left no other option for Tan than this. Sometimes you have to speak to people in the language they understand.

It may not have been nice, but in many ways it was necessary. And in no way is it comparable to Young-Do's indiscriminate, purposeless cruelty.


and let me break it down to you...

young do's behavior is NOT justified by his sob family stories. much like what kim tan did in revenge/ in retaliation is NOT justified by young do's actions.

because that is what you are doing... justifying what kim tan did by blaming it on young do. you can see young do's bullying behavior as a separate thing, WHY can't you see what kim tan did (knowingly manipulating and provoking an abusive parent to abuse his own abused child) as a separate thing too?!

if park soo ha committed murder in i can hear your voice, the WHY he did it (for revenge, for justice, to protect someone) does NOT matter - at the end of the day, he will simply be just a person who killed another.

so what kim tan did: knowingly manipulating and provoking an abusive parent to abuse his own abused child IS "indiscriminate, purposeless cruelty."

also, an individual ALWAYS have a choice, even if you think you are only left with ONE option - you actually have two at most, to do it or not to do it.


@thisthis -So tell me specifically, exactly what Tan should have done to stop Young-Do's continuing escalation. Keeping in mind that asking him nicely, telling him off, ignoring him, and fighting with him directly accomplished nothing but worse and worse reaction from YD.


1 kim tan can tell young do: "you are crossing the line. you do realize i could involve your father in this? so stop involving families."

2 kim tan could still go to young do's father just saying his greetings and then leave.

that is at least 2 options that kim tan could do. in both cases, kim tan is threatening young do showing him what he is capable of but still having restraints IS a much better characterization of kim tan as a "reformed bad guy."

have you watched ICHYV? the guy park soo ha wanted to kill a. killed his father, b. almost killed soo ha when he was a child, c. killed the mother of the girl who testified against him in court as well as a few other people, and is d. threatening the life of the girl who testified against him in court. park soo ha wanting to kill that person for revenge, for justice, to protect someone makes him human no? but in the end, he did not kill that person - and that makes all the difference in the world.

so he has reasons? what he did is justified?


1. kim tan can tell young do: "you are crossing the line. you do realize i could involve your father in this? so stop involving families."

2. kim tan could still go to young do's father just saying his greetings and then leave.

that is at least 2 options that kim tan could do (instead of doing what he did). both cases, kim tan is threatening young do showing him what he is capable of but still having restraints IS a much better characterization of kim tan as a "reformed bad guy."

have you watched ICHYV? the guy park soo ha wanted to kill a. killed his father, b. almost killed soo ha when he was a child, c. killed the mother of the girl who testified against him in court as well as a few other people, and is d. threatening the life of the girl who testified against him in court. park soo ha wanting to kill that person for revenge, for justice, to protect someone makes him human no? but in the end, he did not kill that person - and that makes all the difference in the world.

soo ha is the victim. but if soo ha killed that guy, soo ha is not a victim anymore but is just a murderer.

in heirs context: soo ha is kim tan, that guy is young do.
society will judge what kim tan did - intentionally, knowingly, deliberately manipulating and provoking an abusive parent to abuse his child. the WHYs kim tan did it does NOT excuse WHAT he did.


@faye-exactly I agree 100% with your "break-down". don't let them chase you away. I'm frankly shocked at how many people watching this don't see Young Do's so so obvious sociopathic violence. They just don't see it.
If Young Do were short and chunky, they'd see it all real quick!


I'm also very disturbed by the rooting for the child abuser going on in this thread.


Couldn't have put it better myself. This argument is going in circles because nobody seems to understand what "necessary" and "justified" are anymore. I'm like, are we really arguing against people who think child abuse is cool if it's used for a ~good cause? I mean, seriously, WTF. If people's bias extends far enough that they're okay with that, then fandom is a truly scary thing.


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People who support Tan against YD are pro-child abuse? Really?

Does that mean fans who make excuse after excuse for YD are pro indiscriminate, uncalled-for physical and emotional torture?


@Faye: Short answer, yes. Long answer, still yes.

Cause no matter how you try to reason it, at the end of the argument, you think there's a justified reason for YD to get beat up by his dad. Whether that reason is b/c YD is a violent dickhead or because he crossed a line in disrespecting Tan's mom, you're still saying that "yes, there is a justifiable reason why he gonna get a beat down from his dad."


I haven't made any excuses for Young-do, so I can't really speak to that. Moreover, these are two separate issues. Making excuses for Young-do's dickishness and justifying Tan instigating an incident of child abuse are two different things. I've said this a million times: Young-do is irrelevant to my condemnation of Tan. Looking back at this comment, I think it was a bit too much, and I didn't mean to say that you guys were outright pro-child abuse. I'm sorry for that.

However, the implications of your guys' comments is that you're cool with Young-do getting beaten, and a lot of you expressed visceral enjoyment to see Tan instigate an abusive situation. Moreover, a lot of you have argued that it was "necessary" for Tan to get his father to beat him. That is just not true. Putting aside for a moment Tan's first world problems and massive financial/social safety net, there were about a million things Tan could have done to get back at Young-do, and people have pointed them out, mainly that he could have fucked with his father or home life without actually going there, that is, deliberately causing his father to beat him. But that's beyond the point: regardless, nothing necessitates instigating child abuse; instigating child abuse cannot be justified. He might have had reasons to do what he did, but reasons are not justification. Doing the wrong thing for whatever reasons remains wrong, especially something of this scale.


what is even scarier is not being sure if people are okay with it because of being actor biased in this fictional drama reality? or if people are okay with it because that is how they REALLY think in real world reality?

watching heirs and then reading comments made about it is just... no words...

heirs: losing faith in humanity one episode at a time.

and just putting this here: young do is an awful character, and kim tan is an awful character too - how people make the distinction of one being better than the other is quite puzzling when they are basically essentially the same. this drama is just two awful characters trying to outdo each other to be the MOST awful character.

min hyuk is essentially chan young in all his previous dramas like krystal is essentially bo na in all her previous dramas. people liking these two characters in this drama when said characters are forgettable in other dramas is just proof of how awful the rest of the characters in heirs are too. people are more interested in the 2 minute appearance of 2 fluffy characters than the 3 main lead characters and huge side characters with potential...eun sang is such a downgrade; ruined rachel in recent episodes; wasted kim won, hyo shin, and hyun joo. clearly there is something really wrong here. bo na is all kinds of awesome and chan young is perfect - these two really are the best characters in this drama...



"Heirs: Losing faith in humanity one episode at a time" hahaha true dat. I normally don't engage in discussion, but this time I was so disturbed by what I saw I thought to myself, "self, it would make you feel better to discuss it with other people who went through watching that." So I was totally blindsided by the non-reaction some people have had. I don't get how people have turned it into this YD vs KT (or worse KWB vs LMH) fan battle when I'm just like in a corner like, aaaaaah what the fuck is this drama saying to us. Mostly it just pisses me off that Heirs went there. This is just such a shallow and shittily written show that it can't take responsibility for this kind of subject matter.


*I should say some people have turned it into that. A lot of people seem to see it for what it is.


Some people say that YD's background is not justification for his behavior. I am surprised that those same people say that Tan instigating a beating because of his situation is justified. Do you hear yourself people?!! I agree with you Grumpy in saying that Tan did wrong in going to YD's dad.


Totally with you here. Both of these boys suck and need to grow up. I'm sorry, I can't swoon for the romance here in any way.

I have discussed elsewhere many times how much of a psycho YD is and I am not defending him. But Tan is another psycho, stalker, pushy dude. I get that he is trying to protect ES and be good to her but I don't feel it. I know what I'm supposed to be feeling but the feeling never comes.

We have seen YD's dad trying to choke him before, so as his ex BFF Tan probably knows that this won't just result in a light scolding.

YD was way out of line and truly reprehensible talking down KT's mom and he deserved to have his ass kicked. Except that KT could have done that himself rather than involve an even bigger psycho to do the dirty work for him.

Ugh. I feel sorry for ES. As hot as both these boys are I would not want to be the object of affection of either one. Crazies.


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i agree, tan basically stooped down to young do's level or lower...totally below the belt move, even if young do deserves payback


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YD, YD, YD. What can I say about YD. I find his character pretty despicable, with all the bullying and what not.

I hate him. I loathe him. But I have to admit, I loathe him slightly less after this episode.

His dad is not only physically abusive, but also emotionally. It's like he never really had much of a chance. Oddly enough, most bullies have been/are being abused.

And no, this definitely does not excuse his awful behavior but definitely gave us more insight into why he's the way he is.

I would say I hate him 10% less now. Still hate him 90% with the 10% hate going to his dad.


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I'm guessing I'm the only who was skipping scenes in this episode. I found most scenes to be very cheesy. I really am trying to really like this episode but it's all so obvious. Personally I like everyone of the actors and actresses.


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It's the halfway point of the show and I keep asking myself "Why am I even watching this?" I think I'm just in for the pretty. Yup.

I know there has to be a central conflict for the show. It's there. Somewhere. I just get so frustrated with this show!

It took me until episode 12 to warm up to Secret Garden. It didn't even take me until the end of episode 1 to fall in love with A Gentleman's Dignity. But with this show...I just have no idea.


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Yes! I'm still trying to figure out what we're actually supposed to be watching...


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Yes, as much as I love Heirs, I think it's definitely a bit slower than most dramas.

I'm okay with it though. But I hope it doesn't end up being one of those shows that is slow throughout and then tries to rush/tie up all the loose ends in the last 2 episodes...


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Same here. I took me 6 episodes to warm up to SG and 3 episodes in the case of AGD.

We're now at Ep10 and I'm like "hello, what am I watching here?" I'm starting to think that Kim Eun Sook is losing her touch.

There are a few smart and funny scenes. I think I'll just settle for those going forward.


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I'm sad that I see so much potential, but we still keep spinning in circles -in the same spot.

I wish this was a campus drama, or at least went from High School to college...I feel like so much more could be done with it. Wrist grabbing has always annoyed the hell out of me -but seriously, this show is putting me over the edge -that 'thing' you are dragging, is a human being.


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Imma just let this out: Kim Tan is a psychotic, stalker, creepy asshole every much as and once upon a time even more than Choi Young-do. They only reason why viewers aren't calling him out for his ish is because Young-do could make even Cujo look like a fluffy puppy.

His going to Young-do's father and specifically saying that Young-do lost a fight to him twice knowing that it would result in a violent beating for Young-do was fucked up. His standing around to listen to said beating (I find it hard to believe that their ride was the first elevator to come along) and then taunting Young-do, was Young-do level of psychotic. I get that Young-do disrespected his mom in his house. However, his retaliation was three times worse and cruel. It shows just what kind of bully he used to be, and still lurks underneath.

A lot of us like to go on and on (and boy does he give is reasons to) about how off putting Young-do is. However, just because Tan is the lesser of the two evils; doesn't mitigate his own lengthy flaws.

Despite these things I still want them to make up. They have a messed up friendship but something about their dynamic makes me want to see more.


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I agree!! This episode made me kinda freak out at Tan--he's actually more scary than YoungDo. At least people know YoungDo is a psycho.


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....hm.. He had to do it so that they can set family off limits.
YD was psycho to visit the house and knowingly ask tans mother to get water for him treating her like a nobody daring tan to either be a jerk and deny his mom or acknowledge the shame. That was mean,And he hasn't stopped jeering the 'son of concubine' nonsense to TAn since he was back.
I am fully behind tan getting his revenge n he knew from being buddies with YD what will hurt.
He stayed behind not to hear the beating (?!) what I see is the traces of friendships between them, to tell YD "you see this is what happens, don't pull our family in this"


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He thought he was all clever bringing his ass to Tan's house thinking he wasn't going to retaliate. Then he did the unthinkable...he messed with his mother.

That gloves came off after that. And it totally astounds me how some people keep trying to say Tan is the good guy.

Tan use to be a bully with YD so he can take it there if you push him. He imo has many sides to his personality and I ENJOYED seeing him unleash some hell on YD.


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Ditto! I *loved* seeing Tan basically say to Young-Do "You want to play dirty? Fine, let's see how you like it when I do it." There's a time and a place for everything, and this was the time to bring out dirty Tan. And it worked! Young-Do agreed to leave the families out of their fight.


I am just going to go down the line and cosign everything you said. I loved what Tan did, and it, in no way shape are form makes him a psycho. The people who are saying so want to make it seem that Tan and YD are the same types of evil, because per chance they prefer YD. However that is utter BS, and nothing they write will make me feel that in any way YD did not deserve what Tan served him on a silver platter. lmao, I loved it!

Just read their over comments and you will see them make excuses for every single awful thing YD does. lol


Not me. If you read over my comments on previous recaps I have condemned YD for being a psychopath an undeserving of ES many times.

However, what I don't get is why people say that YD can't be redeemed when they are swooning over Tan who has admitted that he was worse bully than YD before he left for America. He was the leader and he was redeemed.

Yes, we didn't see that part of him but people rooting for Tan don't think that YD can get there one day too?

I personally don't want YD to be redeemed because I think people like that rarely change and it would be a more realistic story if he didn't. The message that all it takes is someone to love/love you to get over your crazy-psycho angst bothers me, but whatever.

I am not advocating for either one but Tan is an example of how much "redemption" works. He is still arrogant, inconsiderate and manipulative. He only sees things from his side and that is why I can't root for his romance with ES. But I wouldn't want ES with YD either.


@Pru22. It astounds me too that people still think of Tan as a good guy.

@LoveIt. No one is saying that. What we're saying is that Young-do being an asshole is irrelevant. No matter who is being abused, child abuse cannot be condoned. Using the fact that someone is abused against them is bad enough, but knowingly instigating an abusive situation cannot be justified. Child abuse is not a one-off; it's not comparable to humiliating someone's mother. It is a prolonged, traumatic living situation and condition of possibility for the abused kid's life that should not be fucked around with for anything. If you're going to write that argument off as bias, I don't know what to say. Methinks you might have a bit of a bias yourself.



Yes, yes at the defender's of Tan and their bias. Some of the Tan supporters here are very cool and offer good commentary but others not so much. They are quick to dismiss defenders of YD to bias but they fail to realize that they are not doing anything different.

I don't know if it's love of Lee Min Ho, this writer, or dislike of Woo Bin but you can find them swooning and defending everything Tan does all throughout these recaps. I do not have a problem with that or people having bias but it's so hypocritical when they accuse or "LOL" at those who feel for YD when they will cut a bitch for Tan. At least from what I've seen many of those who like YD openly accept that they may be biased because Woo Bin plays him.

I really don't like either YD or Tan much (the characters, I like both LMH and WB a lot). Everyone needs to chill out and not be condescending on others for not liking the same characters. Just convo with people who feel the same way as you do and move on. Or carry on with the conversation without pointing out how laughable people with other opinions are. This is fiction, people. No need to get personal. Ugh.

I'm sorry for the rant but condescending people annoy me to no end. Carry on.


@shinha - Nope. Many of us who like Tan take him to task frequently (read this thread carefully). Defending him on this one issue is just that -one issue.


@Faye- I know you don't and I am sorry if I offended you. I did mention in my comment that this is not the case for all of Tan fans and some are very cool. I could mention specific names but I'm not interested in stirring up anything. I'm really not, it is a general comment about some of the posters on these recaps. I enjoy reading yours and Ivoire's comments very much, among others. They are some of the most balanced comments there are here.


That's why BOF is better than this one. This show is such a waste of beautiful people and their talents....and of course my precious time.....oh well...time to move on to another drama.


i don't think what tan did made young do back down at all...so mission NOT accomplished...it just made me hate kim tan...


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Tan to me is starting to seem like those abusers that you would never ever guess is abusive. Like he knows how to teeter on that fine line where you ask yourself "is this okay or not? it's not as bad as xyz but still bad....?"


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I know, right? Like with Eun-sang too, he's getting super creepy and obsessive and controlling. And then I'm just confused--is the drama doing this on purpose, slowly revealing what a big psycho Tan is, or is it just that the writer thinks that stalking and imposing himself on her is romantic?


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Thank you.


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I totally agree. I actually find Tan much more off-putting that Young-Do. If anything, look at the way he treats his mother - not calling her back when he was in America, not caring for her feelings at all. Even ES' mom is much nicer to her. I don't know why he likes ES - really. It seems more of an obsession than love.

He actually blackmails ES to date him while everybody knows he has a fiance. Seriously, if he'd give up everything to do that, then it might be romantic. But he wants to date her without breaking off an engagement with Rachel. If she's really out on the street, what could he do? His action is so thoughtless.

And I can't believe I'm talking about Lee Min Ho here. Although Kim Woo Bin is my bias, Lee Min Ho is really not that far behind.


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I agree. Just by showing up at Young Do's dad's office he could drawn the line on involving family. He could have very easily said something else... Like since Young Do came to visit his home, he should also say his greetings to his dad since he's been away so long. His knowing how his father would react to his son being hit twice ( and why did he need to point THAT out, hmmm... ) put him straight into a$$h@£e territory.

That said, Cujo whimpers under my bed every time he hears Young Do's voice. :)


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I figured it out. The main plot is not about the romance at all. It's about the competition between the two alpha males--lee minho and kim woobin--and the fight to be the top of the social hierarchy packaged in high school world. So I can stop wanting and anticipating the swoon factor, cus there really is none. Now that that misunderstanding is out of the way, I can turn off my brain when I watch it. My only wish is that the drama would have made that explicitly known sooner--it took the whole 10 episodes to figure that out and half of the drama is over already. sigh.

and I've never been unable to get behind such beautiful people. lee minho AND kim woobin?! -_-


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I started with no brain.


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Wait that doesn't sound right. I meant I just turn it off, since I come home from work to watch it and unwind from the day. I really do have a brain. (Most days).


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Haha I like your take. Time to just watch for the pretty.


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I thought this episode was a step up
Like the going up the stairs and crossing the door line scenes
kES may not be good in plot (yes I do agree with JB about those fundamental flaws) but her lines can be great sometimes.
I thought tan's confession : I will open up all the doors that you can't cross for you. I'm finding a way (equivalent...)
--it's sweet
And his shout out to her in the cellar about she not being suitable for him not at the least due to anything but the fact that she can't be brave for him was also great.
My problem till now is ES have been so passive. Like a puppet between 2 alpha dogs
If she can for once stake a claim on one, it will be more compelling.
And help me if it's YD, I fully agree that he's just not doing it for me on a romantic level.


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OMG finally! I waited so long for this to be up so I can say that this drama is frustrating me to no end!!!

We accomplished next to nothing in this episode!!!! wtf yo!
We're halfway in! Why are we just rehashing this over and over again? I'm sooo tired of it.

I angrily "ARGH"ed at the drama every other scene! what is this stupid wishy washy crap with Tan and Eun Sang? We don't have 50 episodes for you people to struggle it out... there's no development here! you're just doing the same shit for 8 episodes! We've gotten NOWHERE!!!!

And Youngdo... my god... do something, or sit back! Every time he has a chance to maybe do something, he's blocked by Tan, SO friggin' annoying. He's not even being set up as a rival, which is confusing... 'cause I have no idea what the point of his existence is in this love triangle. No one cares for you Young do! Not even the audience! You're just someone buzzing around looking for attention... but I might feel some sympathy for you if the writer actually gave you some friggin' screen time and explored the fact that your father is a psycho and cheats like crazy, and you're unwanted by everyone! but no... we have no time for you... because we need to have that unnecessary sequence of paint ball.

And since he's such a crappy character, why not just kill him off - send him overseas or something and really get into the Tan/Eunsang thing. How IS Tan going to figure this out so it works? It was sooo annoying when he tells Eun Sang that she has done NOTHING for him - uh.. not like you did either?? All you've done is be a brat - I WANT EVERYTHING! Useless.

And all the periphery characters... I want to know more about you... but all I'm going to get are stupid snippets that piques my interest but I won't get any more than that. I hate this drama.


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and people saying this is slice of life?!

10 episodes in, most major characters basically have the same freaking lines!
young do: i am a bully. or you are illegitimate kim tan.
kim tan: i have issues but I can not bothered with it. or i like eun sang.
eun sang: poor me or i am helpless (this is used for spineless eun sang, which is 90% of the time though possibly even more)
kim won: you are illegitimate kim tan.
rachel: kim tan and i are engaged.

wth is this? character descriptions?! although, no matter how you look at it eun sang character is such a downgrade.


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But killing YD off will kill the drama! He is the one causing conflict for Tan/ES and moving the action forward. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you but I feel KT and ES have a much bigger barrier to cross with their family situation but all that drama shows us as the source of conflict is some petty high school fights.


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I'm American so I'm not too familiar with this but to Koreans, is illegitimacy really as crucial as it is on this show?

I don't understand why KT's dad can't just come clean about his son. It's still his son regardless of the mother.

I'm a bit familiar with the family registry but is that important even if the father decides to leave a certain inheritance/company with his child?

Is the social stigma really this bad?


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Yes, it is really big deal. I am from east culture where illegitimate child is not accepted by the society.


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Ok, so they are not really accepted in the eastern culture. Does him being on the family register help? Also, why would marrying Rachel make him acceptable? That's really the point I don't get. If puppet daddy gives him enough shares/ power/ or just gobs of money does that make it better? I am really confused as to why he HAS to be engaged at 18 to Rachel and why Won is free at 30.

Also why do some of the parents want to set up their kids in such unhappy marriages when they've gone through that same hell? For MORE money??? Shouldn't they want their kids and themselves to be happy since there is no way they'll be starving on the streets anytime soon?

Sorry, apparently this seems to bother and confuse me.


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rachel has a family legacy of "old money." kim tan being engaged and married (marriage is supposedly the end game) to rachel will give kim tan insurance in a lot of ways in case kim tan's legitimacy becomes an issue in the future:
1. rachel's status of family legacy of old money
2. rachel's family has power and wealth of their own
3. rachel's stocks in the jeguk empire if added on to kim tan's share of inheritance could possibly give kim tan the controlling shares

kim tan being in the family registry is a given, but there is still the threat of when society finds out that his real mother is a mistress. kim won is legitimate and possibly his own mother has status of her own - her family has vineyards? their father would make an advantageous marriage for kim won too... but right now, it is important to secure kim tan's marriage first because of the ticking-time-bomb-overdue-to-blow-up-any-time-soon that is kim tan's illegitimacy. also, kim tan's birth secret does not only affect kim tan but his whole family too - there will be a change in their status/ power/ wealth/ influence... thus, the elaborate set-up of second wife pretending to be the birth mom of kim tan for 18 years.

anyways, in most dramas in korea - legitimacy seems to be very important in society (not sure if that is the case in real life though). orphans, illegitimate children seems to be frowned upon where marriage is concerned.

but in most dramas in both china and japan, family seems to be dictated by the family register. for example, divorced parents with custody of children is one family, the other parent seems to be 'not' family anymore. adopted orphaned children/illegitimate children in official family registry is considered family.


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Thank you! Still don't like it but at least I'm less confused with the early marriage issue. Boy, is Rachel ever going to be pissed when she finds out!


I have the same questions that you have. I do not know the Korean law but nowadays law for illegitimacy has changed in certain Asian countries. I think Tan being on the family register means that he has a right to inherit his father's asset when his father dies. The society look down on the illegitimate children for sure.


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because in these families you can have a 'kept woman' on the side; but when it comes to marrying off your children - it's all about legitimacy and building power/wealth


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sad to say but this drama has become hopeless. no silver lining and no character.
Even with competent actors, if the story and narrative has no substance it will take you no where. Such a huge disappointment.
I will be completely dropping this drama, even the recaps. aisshhh. Sorry MinHo I just can’t take the run around at one place of this, can’t take it anymore…

Anyway I don’t know if ever the pace will pick up but at ep10 with the same narrative and rhythm I feel like nothing will ever happen…

I will endeavor to forget and erase this story in my head.
Thanks for all eye candy Kim Tan and Chanyoung.. but that’s it…




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How is it possible that Tan gets a lower grade than Young Do who marked it without any thought?

I still don't understand Young Do! But I like that he's the interesting character in the mix or I am being tricked by my Woo Bin love...


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i keep waiting for young-do to have a redemption arc... but he just seems to become more of an ass every episode... there isn't really much of a competition between the leads if the second lead is so horrible to the heroine that it's obvious to everyone (ESPECIALLY THE HEROINE) that she shouldn't end up with him -___-


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YD probably do not know how to show his soft side... just like many abused children. I also think ES does not give him a space/chance to talk the talk either,,,


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I'm here just for the candy eyes...story sucks!!!!


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There ain't no love sparks anywhere to be seen between any of the leads. Zip. Zero. Nada. Zilch. The big 0. Weird stuff in this episode - only a brief but total nothing appearance by Won Oppa, a sad suicide conversation in the gym - And all this teen anger/depression/more anger/revenge stems from their lousy parental units - bummer~


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yes, THIS. The only thing I'm getting from this show, aside from the lovely visuals, is that all rich Korean parents are despicable. It's just a matter of degree.


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URGH. I am THIS CLOSE to giving up on this drama. Not even Kim Woo-bin is worth this mess :|


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Loved the recap, Java. But I don't agree with you on your assessment that Tan and Young do are fighting over Eun Sang because they haven't anything better to do.

YD, is the one who brought up Eun Sang's name calling her pitiful and letting Tan know he would mess with her since Tan didn't want to involve their families anymore in their continued drama.

So what would you have had Tan do? YD knew the second he brought up Eun Sang's and added some threats to it that Tan wasn't going to sit idly by and let him mess with her.

And speaking of their families being involved, who else, besides me, LOVED! When Tan showed YD what happens when you come over to someone's house uninvited, showing your ass, and disrespecting their parent.

I didn't feel one ounce of sympathy for Young do when daddykins found out what had transpired between him and Tan. He deserved EVERYTHANG he got and then some.

I also enjoyed Chan Young's father antics and how he warned Won about what his father was up to. Which astounds me because I would have thought Won known his father would do something like that.

And I absolutely hate the way he treats Hyun-joo. If he truly loves her, he is going to have to do better than what he is doing. Now I know why she always seem so afraid to be with him. He could also take a few pointers from Tan in letting the girl you love know how you feel.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Eun Sang starting to get her sassy back. The way she treated Young do had me cheering her on. It's about damn time.

Bo Na and Chan Young were adorable in this episode as well. They had me cracking up during the paint ball fight.

Rachel is a pathetic idiot. She actually thinks she was forcing Tan's hand by doing what she did. Her and Young do need to get a clue and realize Tan doesn't give a DAMN about what they think is important to him. He has already proven to me he would LOVE nothing more than to be outed.

Because we ALL know the second Rachel's mother would find out there is no way in HELL she would allow her daughter to marry him.

And I really FLOVED seeing YD's face when his friend realized where he had seen Eun Sang before. I knew he still wouldn't click it together. He thinks her leaving Tan's house that early means they are sleeping together. Even though he didn't say it, his FACE DID!

I thought YD's actions at the end of this episode were so damn pathetic. I just hope Tan knows better and that Eun Sang sets him straight.


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I know I'll get flack for saying this, but hell yeah I cheered when Tan went to Young-Do's father to "apologize." For weeks Tan has waited it out while Young-Do taunted him about his illegitimacy, tormented the girl he likes, and then had the nerve to show up at his house and disrespect his mother. He couldn't just take it anymore. Tan knew exactly what would happen when he went there, and I'm glad. Young-Do threw the gauntlet down; he deserved to have someone take it up. Tan tried talking to him normally; it didn't work, so he spoke the language Young-Do understood.

I think it's hilarious that some of the same people who defend everything Young-Do does are ready to crucify Tan for giving him just a tiny taste of his own medicine.


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Faye, I was right there with you saying "BOY you had better do IT!" I LOVED every second of seeing YD squirm and sweat as Tan apologized to his father for hitting him...TWICE!

Why others don't get you don't mess with someone's parent in that way is beyond me. He knew EXACTLY who she was and disrespected her on purpose.


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Good to know there are people in this world who revel in depictions of child abuse...

Yup, some flack.


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Good to know there are people who can't participate in a discussion without throwing out gross, baseless, unsupported accusations and attacking posters in a personal way. "Child abuse?" Really.


gotta agree with juniper... there is no excuse for having someone's abusive parent fight your battles...i would've respected kim tan more if he just gave young do a beat down...


No, I'm with you.

Tan didn't do it for fun. He was doing it to make a point to YD- that family was off limit.

It's obvious that YD has no limits. He does what he does just to get reactions. And tan was showing him that he can't. He stood up to YD. Maybe wasn't orthodox, but hey, when it comes to family, it shows that Tan will do what he can to protect it. And while Tan hasn't shown much affection towards his mom, he showed how much he did care for her when he called her "Mom" in front of YD.

And yeah, I don't get how you can defend YD and then go bash Tan. Like really? What Tan did was nothing compared to YD. And Tan actually has his reasons: to protect his family or ES.

What's YD's reason? Yes, I know he has daddy issues but how long is he gonna be excused for that?

Tan, on the other hand is not malicious. He's just spoiled. And no very aware of things on hand. Like he's said before himself. He's a do first, then think. So he's got some growing up to do, and he BETTER start having A LITTLE bit of character development before the finale.

Did the writer forget this was going to be a 20 ep drama? I don't understand.....


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I've been chased by a Japanese guy once... and they actually pull my wrists. I think Korean men are the same.... probs.

But. Seriously, it hurts. Stop doing it.
YD Be nice. TAN Be a Man.

Period. Thanks!


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Woah.. chased ? wrist grab? that's dangerous...

But I think that wrist grabbing actually needs to be called harassment rather than sweet gesture. Kdrama needs to change their thinking...

anyway as hot as YD and Tan is I've jumped shipped from this drama and sailing away with my ever adorable and swoon worthy good guys in Chilbongie and Trash oppa.

Who said bad boys are the only ones hot. well they are definitely incorrect.

Good guys for the Win...


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chased = pursued romantically
wrist grab = grabs my wrists, pushes me to the wall and talks close to my face

seems romantic. it's not >:(

Yeah 1994 ftw! :D


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Omg even the summary made me snore, and that has NOTHING to do with your writing. Heirs is a great big pile of poo. But yeah, like you, it didn't come as a surprise since the character development of Secret Garden and A Gentleman's Dignity sucked like hell. This writer is all hogwash.


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Thank you for your awesome recap as always :) The paintball game was hilarious; love YD's and R's look of shock and surprise when ES and BN shot them! There should be more school scenes like these! But the romance part, not so much. The meaning of 'romance' here is totally perverted to mean the opposite, like we are supposed to swoon at acts of terrorising, stalking and pestering girls and girls being treated as pawns in this tug of war game between the two testosterone-charged, immature boys when we should know better to get a restraining order on them.

Just something really random and funny that I noticed, the clothes YD was wearing at the beginning of this ep, the black jacket with the striped black and white, zebra-like scarf really reminded me of Gru from the movie Despicable Me. Gru always dresses in a black jacket with striped black and gray scarf.

And though they are both villains in their shows, they just cannot be further away from each other than they are. Though Gru is the villain, he is ultimately seen as the big soft teddy underneath it all, and YD is just a villain and sociopath through and through, even though the show meant to peel his villainous exterior to reveal the hurt, misunderstood and confused boy underneath, it just fails. YD just makes me run the other way now whenever I see him, and I root for ES's sassiness in flicking off this pesky bug.


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there's no love triangle or push and pull if the second lead is a borderline sociopath. and with both guys, their romantic gestures are complete bull. so someone enlighten me, what's the point here? i guess a quirky 5 min here and there is good enough...


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I'm not sure how I feel about this show, but it's not what I thought it would be. there is no story per-se, just mixed scenes, but nothing deep. I just finished watching ep.10 and I felt it also empty as ep'9, the only scene that I loved was hyunk when he kissed his tutor's forehead and told her "good night". that was the only scene since this show started that made my heart flutter for a few seconds. I only continue to watch this show for the hope that something might happen. but so far, this is the worst show I've watched for lee min ho :(


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I loved that he kissed her forehead. That really was one of the sweetest things. A short peck saying that he likes her,that he's becoming a man, and leaving so as to let her have space. Frankly, after how Won (idiot) just treated her she realizes there are more fish in the sea. Also that " a woman needs a man, like a fish needs a bicycle." Maybe we can change the OST to U2 and pipe it through the school for all the girls to hear. ( except Bo Na - she is one very lucky girl)


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Okay, so I have only watched the first six episodes, and it was really my intention to watch this show as it was airing because I knew I wouldn't marathon it when it finished, but I'm changing my mind. Nothing's grasping at me in this show. The characters are kind of blah. The (lack of) plot is uninspired. The pacing is so s..........l...........o.........w. I was waiting for something to happen, and that's just silly to expect that at this point of the show. The episodes I did watch I watched while doing other things, but when I started episode 7, I could barely sit through and just turned it off. I've been reading these recaps instead, and honestly, I'm glad I didn't waste my time watching these last few episodes. I'm missing nothing. It bums me out. I really wanted to like this show, so it sucks that I'm already checking out. I'll keep reading the recaps though just so I don't feel like I didn't finish it.

Also, how can you hire Choi Jin-hyuk and Im Joo-eun and waste them like this? These are two talented actors who have charisma and spark, and all they do is look sad and mopey whenever they do show up for their designated minute on screen. What the a, show? (I guess I'd rather watch them be mopey than see two infantile boys wrist-grabbing hug/kiss-attacking a girl back and forth, but still!)


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Ugh, I agree about Choi Jin-hyuk and I'm Joo-eun. They're so wasted here, it's depressing.


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same episode over and over again


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Tan’s revenge was awesome. Telling Young Do’s father that Young Do is weak is the ultimate revenge. Was Dad about to whip him? It is somewhat unrealistic how Young Do just takes the abuse. First of all, Kim Woo Bin is 6 feet towering over the little man, and second of all, Young Do is 18. That’s plenty old to secretly squirrel away assets and run away from this abusive home. Unlike Tan who craves Won’s approval, Young Do doesn’t even respect his father (not that he deserves any respect), so he’s certainly not staying out of affection. Fight back or run away -- pick one or the other. And Dad is into domestic violence with Rachel’s mom, too? Excuse me while I throw up.

I cheered when Chan Young said, “You’re keeping a lot of secrets from me lately.” I hate how Eun Sang and Chan Young are drifting apart. Who cares about these immature boys fighting (each other) over you? Best friends come first.

Thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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i very badly want eun-sang to be like "screw this" and skip off into the sunset with chan-young and bo-na (with whom she will continue her reluctant friendship).

but seriously. the three of them should just hang out alll the time. /wishfulthinking


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i have that thought too
Eun Sang being involved with Tan and Young Do will only ruins her life
it's better that she just hangs out with Chan Young and Bo Na, the only two person who actually cares for her


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I was thinking The same thing. Why YD didn't fight Back? It's not like he's on The judô mat, there are no rules. He could Just grab His father's arm and twist it if He wanted.
I think The only reason YD puts up with His dad is because His dad can disinherit him. Boy, no money is worth it.
I think all these stupid rich kids should stop fighting and complaining and start saving money and/or studying harder so they can have careers that Will allow them to leave their families behind. Have they not thought of that yet?
What if they United to tell their parents: hey, we're not going to put up with all this anymore. We're leaving. How would it look if The kids of several influent families publicou left theirs parents? Not good for their image, right? I bet they'd be willing to negociate better with theirs kids uf that happened.
But I know they are to dumb and childish to think of eorking together agaunst their parents.


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Man, how many typos: *publicly (not sure if this word exista, but I'm mean in front of everyone).
* Working
* against


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I have worked with abused teens and that is the scariest part of child abuse. They are literally unable to fight back, no matter how much power they may physically have over their parents. They cower in fear and fighting back is not an option for most of them, they will not do it no matter what. I have seen heartbreaking visuals of teenagers that look like full adults on the outside and their average sized parents have done that to them. After years and years of abuse they become emotionally trapped in a childlike position towards their parents. It is very sad.


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Ok what I think that the writers did wrong in this show so far is not letting Kim Woo Bin's character Young Do grow. I feel like if we took him and Eun Sang and dropped them on an island by themselves her influence would make him into a better person but everytime he seems to get two seconds in with her Kim Tan has to show up and make him go all angry face. Eun Sang doesn't give a crap about Young Do because Kim Tan is always hovering around her fighting off Young Do. I actually find myself feeling backwards about this drama where I want Young Do and Eun Sang to have more air time because I feel like they have some heated chemistry that could turn into a more interesting love line than Kim Tan's.


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I wish there were more YD and ES screen time too. Even if there was screen time, it does not help if ES's not paying attention to him. She didn't ( for good reasons) even after he tried to be nice. I think the more she ignores him, the more he gets irked. And knowing that Tan may be a reason for her ignoring him does not help the situation either. The only time ES talks to YD is when he threatens her (He was all smiles and looking at her at meal time, and she did not give a glance towards him); he came to the conclusion that she only notices him if he does bad things. It is a messed up rationale but true if you look at the instances when ES actually replied back to him. I wish there was a character YD can look to for some guidance, not only in romance but life in general. I hate bullies but I am interested in YD very much and want him to change into a bigger person.


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And I would love it if YD comes to regret his actions sincerely. There should be a scene where YD apologizes to the boy he beat up in school.


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yes please I just started this series and feel there's more chemistry Eun-sang has with Young-do than she has with Tan. How I desperately wish Young-do would be a better person gradually with Eun-sang support and the the two eventually end up together because everytime Tan appears in between them I scream "GO AWAY! Young-do was there first"


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thanks for the review.
This drama is slow and the drama itself and beginning to be a filler in the drama. does that make sense?
Nothing is ever accomplished in the episodes and the ending stare down between tan and young do (which has happened 3 times now) isn't a big impact bc there isn't anything there. I think the writers need to show a different side of young do, because he ain't winning the race for eun sang's heart, BECAUSE HE AIN'T EVEN IN IT!
why make him the second lead, if all he's going to do the heroine is terrorize her?


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Yea, I am really having a hard time rooting for Tan. At the beginning of the drama I though his and Eun Sang's relationship was cute and I liked them together. He was the reformed jerk with a few jerkish qualities left. It was cute. Now he is just a jerk, especially towards Young Do in regards to his dad. What Young Do did to his mom was really messed up, but Young Do's father is abusive. He probably knew that. Made me really dislike him. And this doesn't even begin to touch on how he is incredibly condescending towards Eun Sang! All he does is dismiss her reasonable objections towards their relationship and try to turn it around to her! Ugh. So basically what I'm trying to say is this: We know Young Do is supposed to be this big jerk, so I'm not surprised by his actions and I expect him to have growth as a character, making me like him more than Tan, who isn't supposed to be a jerk but has turned out the be the biggest jerk of the series. Team Eun Sang single!


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All aboard! Dibs on window seat. Can I bring a grenade launcher to keep Tan, his dad, Young Do, his dad, and Won away while we swing by and pick up Eun Sang and the girls? :)


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To be honest, I feel like some of the comments regarding YD were a bit bias. I've read recaps and comments about LMH in BOF and he was never called a psychopath despite the terrible things he did to Jand Di, even to the point of physical violence. However TD actions seemed to be misunderstood. I wonder if it's because he is the second lead. Honestly, I'm surprised that many of us here are not used to this kind of abuse that males give females in kdramas as it is a recurring theme in them, to the point the girl finds love. It may be my misunderstanding or the resistance I've built up to such themes, but YD actions towards ES is not as bad as in other dramas and certainly does not deserve critical condemnation. Though I urge no man to do that in real life. I'm in fact surprised that ES hasn't fallen for him and his antics. We all know girls in kdramas fall for jerks-turned-sweethearts. Maybe it's because he's not the main lead. YD Fighting!!! (Not literally).


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I think it may have to do with the fact that the societal standards people have now are also a lot different...
More people are about female empowerment and feminism than before so when they see wrist grabbing scenes now a days it makes viewers more irate than it would have back in the boys over flowers days (which was probably -counts fingers- 5 years ago)...

we also have to think about cultural context.. Things differ between Korea and everywhere else in the world, people tend to either forget that completely or are very aware


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That is true. Though we should not forget that these antics such as wrist grabbing have always been and may always be part of Korean drama. It is undeniable that even today, people still do watch BOF, so the age of the drama itself should not effect the viewers assessment of the drama. Just because you watch a 2009 drama in 2013 does not mean you should view it with the date of production in mind and the societal values at that time.

What I saw as unfair was the ridicule YD receives. though his actions are unjustifiable, the backlash is unwarranted without enough background or "screen time" given to his character.


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true dat.


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You have a problem with wrist-grabbing, but you feel backlash against Young-Do -someone who beats people up for kicks and takes pleasure in psychologically tormenting them- is unwarranted? Huh?

As far as him not getting enough screentime to show his motivation, I think there literally has not been an episode where we don't see a scene of Young-Do's father abusing him. The writers have done everything but flash a PSA across the scene saying "This is why Young-Do is the way he is!" It's just that some of us don't consider this a valid excuse, and are tired of it.


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I don't think we have a problem with wrist grabbing. Its now come to be expected in any Korean drama, maybe something to do with culture and since I'm of a different race, I cannot judge what I do not understand. We just used it as an example to generalize the actions male leads take upon female leads.

I feel that the character YD, does all those things to show that he is tormented. Just as earlier on they showed KT as a loner or isolationist before he met ES, I believe being aggressive to others is just part of his role. You can't have two characters playing the same seemingly nice guy role now can you??

Because YD has not been given a chance to grow, I felt that hating him was a bit far fetched in the whole scheme of things given that most of his character development is actually just scenes with his abusive father.


With Young-Do it is adressed in the show that what he does is wrong. But the problem with wrist-grabbing in kdrama is that the creators and many of the viewers don't think it's wrong, I think? I don't think I've seen a single kdrama where the heroine isn't dragged around by her wrist.


im sorry but youngdo is no Goo Jun Pyo.
GJP ego is 100 times bigger but his heart is 100 times cleaner. GJP is just simple minded and his affection for JD was one way or the highway. i dont see that in YD. For him, i dont even know if he likes ES as herself or just for the fact that liking ES will piss the hell out of KT. you know what i mean? GJP was nothing like that.


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I understand that you feel that GJP has a bigger heart than YD, but I bet that feeling came after completing BOF. I only made that comparison with YD to show how he was similar to GJP in the earlier episodes of BOF. Ofcourse as time went on, she changed him, which is a norm for these kind of dramas. How would YD show affection if he can't get more than 5 minutes alone with the girl who is "supposedly" supposed to change him. Again that second lead disadvantage comes into play. In an effort to build up KT and ES relationship, the time ES spends with other characters are cut short.

Its also not right to say that YDs heart is not as clean. I don't see YD force kissing anyone just as KT and GJP has.


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quoting the recap -

Young-do is impossible to root for romantically (because hello, restraining order), character-wise his stuff would land better if he were allowed to act on his feelings instead of always reacting to Tan in some new volatile way.

It's funny, he initially took an interest in her even he knew of her connection to Tan (and in actual fact, first encountered her before she even met Tan) and in those moments, it was easy to root for him - but using her in and as reaction to Tan is what has me facepalming.


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Man. I admire anyone who is able to find a reason to sit through this drama AND fall in love with it without the slightest urge to shake their tv's.

This show needs moar Bo-na and Chan-young. Those two are epic and diabetes-guarantee sweet.

... And I can't help but marvel at how beautiful Rachel is. She looks a bit like Kuriyama Chiaki *_*


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Do I get anything for sitting through this drama and really liking it (I don't know why, either)... but still cursing my inability to jump into my screen and knock some sense into the characters? ...or better, track down Kim Eun-seok and force her to write better? :|

I agree about Bo-na and Chan-young, tho. I absolutely love those two ♥


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typo* definitely meant to write kim eun-sook. oops :p


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Bo-na and Chan-young are the only likeable thing about this drama. And even though Young-do and Rachel are crazy, I still like them and ship them over Tan and Eun-sang.

I love Lee Min-ho but this is a horrible role and he's so lackluster with Park Shin-hye. Actually, I really like the cast and was hoping for more but this is a hot mess. This drama is draining and a waste of great talents.

I also conclude that KES is not a writer that I'll be looking forward to.


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the only happiness that can be found in the drama is through Chan Young and Bo Na
and they're the ones with the best chemistry with each other


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i never like krystal .. but she may be and chanyoung the characters to save this show.. or they just have their own bubble with the overload of sweet.

Them. mom aand madam han, and KHN and IJY characters .... hahhaha.. ive dropped this since ep 5 and am actually glad i did .. this is a trainwreck with loaded talents that went to waste.. tsk tsk


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Bo-na and Chan-young are without a doubt the best thing about this show and the part of it I enjoy most (more scenes of theirs, please! With skinship included!). And I like that Bo-na is becoming a sort-of female friend for Eun-sang, it's weird to have a heroine with no female friends and I like that she becomes one sort of reluctantly.

And I agree, Kim Ji-won (Rachel) is gorgeous, and I love her styling for this drama. Shame she has so little to do, character-wise, though I like the way she plays Rachel - the engagement-busting was a gutsy move, even if I'm tired of her one-dimensional characterisation as The Shrew.


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I really like the main characters here but I wish they could be more consistant with their own personality... Especially eun sang who is suppose to be a strong girl but gets all week when her hero come to her rescue... Also, I feel that the other characters need to come out soon... We are already half way and there's seen to be so so so much more to know about young do past, Rachel mommy, brother won and many many other... I feel that I'll just back off from this drama until it s done airing cause I'm always havering mixte feeling everytime I'm done with one episode...


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While I was in love with this drama until two weeks ago (it might have been my high hopes for the writer's previews work), this week it's pissing me off... This writer (who I used to love and could overlook some of the things that did not make sense from her stories) is driving me nuts! At least we're half way through the story and hopefully it will get better, but I'm planning on switching to Secret from now on and I'll just watch Heirs when its done.. Of course I'll keep reading the recaps, but it's become a drama I will watch when I can make sense of it, not while I'm still wondering if, where and when it'll go.


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Is it just me, but did anyone find it amusing that Young Do's father had to take a running jump to be able to backhand slap Woo Bin. He is so tall compared to the older actor. Kinda ruined the seriousness of the scene.


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Lol I noticed that he kinda looked like he hurt his hand after too.. it's like he's starting to get older and weaker. Sooner or later, Youngdo will be grow to be stronger and stop losing to his crazy lunatic father.


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Thanks for the recap. At least stuff happened in this episode. I also agree with another poster the story is KT and YD. It's all about their relationship lol. And since this is the same writer from Secret Garden I shouldn't be suprised at the atrocious things the make characters do in the guise of wooing.


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I'm in love with park shin hye acting skill. Like, seriously she can be so melow but sometimes she can be soo cute and the important point is i can into her characther in drama. Well.


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Drama, consider yourself dropped. Can't say it was nice knowing you but you did remind of why I have such a love-hate relationship with Kim Eun Suk. Thanks for the recaps javabeans and girlfriday!! I always love reading the snarky side comments, they're hilarious :)


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I personally don't blame Eun-sang for not standing up to Young-do by herself because he's shown that just standing up to him won't work you need someone capable of physically fighting him to back you up, and if you don't have that it's best to just give in.


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At this point... I'm just going with the flow.

There was barely any indication that Won and HJ were actually dating...

Hyoshin as a character has gotten a lot more interesting and dynamic to me and I'm looking forward to understanding all the health issues and whatnot..

At this point, it looks like Eunsang is no longer caring and could possibly be wanting to pursue a real deal relationship with Tan... which is progress I guess.

I guess what we thought was giving up, was slight retreat and continuous strategizing. I swear he's said he'd give up like three times already, but continues to come back. I'm assuming it's because he knows she likes him back anyway..

I was also pretty surprised to see that Tan legitimately did bad on the exams. I was under the impression that all that stuff we saw in the states meant that he was doing what he wasn't supposed to be doing- THINKING. That he was actually smart and was able to think for himself.. That all his lazinesss was a facade and that he was thinking about everything in the background whether he chose to make any decisions or not. And now that he's back in Korea, he's just been waiting to take the wheel and be in control. But... I guess not?

This has been in my mind for a while now, but does anyone else think that this story is a lot like the Lion King? XD (except Eun Sang is definitely not Nala...)


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Would YD be Sinba??


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What are you drinking??? Where can I buy it? :)


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I was actually thinking that Tan would have been Simba... lmao XD


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Can't say I see it. There was parental love in that, along with good friends and excellent music. Unless you see Eun sang as Simba?


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HAHAHA okay. You have a point there. Was just thinking about the whole MIA and throne/crown aspects of the show.


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Ok, if I squint I can see that. Scar is a mix of Won and Young Do. Hmmm, Timon and Pumbaa are Chan Young and Bo Na respectively. (Ducking from Bo Na's hissy fit at being compared to a warthog.) Tan needs to runaway from home though. That's about it. :)


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LOL! I'd trade the "Love is Pain" for "Hakuna Matata" in a heartbeat.


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I seriously think that Tan did so bad on midterm school test, because he DID come back from the US. Education here is horrible. Be it private or public. Nothing but useless liberal arts in expensive private schools. Math and scince not so much.


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